Clicking noises


Well-Known Member
Dec 30, 2007
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Anyone else hearing a clicking noise from bump?

It sounds like when you click a joint and I'm worried baby has clicky joints as it's definitely not me.

I hear it about 3 times a day.
YES!!!! I posted about this a while back..........told MW about it, she didnt know what it was, and didnt seem concerned either :roll: she suggested hiccups but we all know what they feel like.....and the clicks I feel are deffo not hiccups!

I googled it, and seems like a lot of people have experienced it, and they had perfectly healthy babies! I've had it for about 3 months now :wall: but bubs still seems fine!

It's quite sore sometimes, on my ribs where he MW suggested its maybe the noise of him kicking my bones :think:

it really annoys me that I dont know exactly what it is.......a mystery i suppose! :lol: xx
Weird, it's always on the right side where baby is, It's not hiccups. Sonds just like someone has flicked their finger nails. It always makes me look down at my belly. Only been happening for the past week.
yeah thats what mine feels like! a bit like if you click your wrist or something, only its coming from inside the bump! :?

mine only comes from top right of bump....thats where bubs has been lying for weeks and weeks now. you could ask your MW, she might be more useful than mine lol!! :roll: xx
lol - I have heard this loads!!!

I thought it was initially my ribs clicking or something, it's def coming from bump though!!

My MW looked at me like I was a loon when I said I thought it was bump making the noise!! :shock:

Guess it's just one of those things!!
Its your babies joints... :D I had it loads with lil miss... I can crack every joint in my body so I think its inherited.... and lil miss has been clicky from the day she was born, sometimes when you pick her up her spine clicks... :rotfl: Shes not fussed by it and being someone who clicks alot anyway, its kinda soothing to stiff joints... Don't worry its does no harm at all... :D Never had it with Tia and her joints don't really click.
I had this, I googled it while pregnant and although alot of people had it no one seemed to know what it was :lol:

I thought it was Kierans joints clicking but since he's been born I've not heard them click once so Im not too sure if thats what it was :think:

I had the clicking and Kieran is a healthy baby so try not to worry about it, think it's just one of them things :)
I hear it too! I told my husband about it and he kind of wrinkled his forehead and then... "CLICK!" right on time! I was proven not to be crazy! :D
I asked midwife and she didn't know and had never heard of it. Suggested hiccups but I know it's not that. Just one of those little pregnancy mysteries.
YES! twice yesterday.. I decided that I was going mad and it must have been my joints but it was a quiet (but not muffled) and did sound like it was coming from my bump.


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