

Well-Known Member
Jun 14, 2007
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Do any of you have a cleaner? We are thinking of getting one when I go back to work but I'm a bit clueless...

How many hours a week does your cleaner work?
Do they come once or twice a week?
What tasks do you ask them to do?
How big is your house?

All advice welcomed :) !

Lisa x
Depends what you want doing. Just general cleaning or ironing also?

Look at how long it takes you to do the basics like hoovering througout, changing bed linen, dusting, bathrooms, cleaning any windows etc and if its say 3 hours then go for cleaner to do 4 so she can do extra things like cleaning kitchen cupboards, ironing, mopping floors and any other things you want doing that day.

Space it out to twice a week if you need it. If not have it all done on one day.

As for wages, have a look in local papers and shop windows and see how much other people are offereing. Then go for about the same.
I'm a home cleaner! I work for a company and we go and clean people's houses! Some are very very posh!! We can also do ironing (not me though lol!, i'm useless :oops: ) We are all CRB checked etc ... (one good reason to go with a company) But shhh... don't tell my bosses i think they are VERY overpriced - especailly considering we're paid rubbish haha!
My Dad has one that I occationally use if I get snowed under.

He has her every Mon afternoon and Friday afternoon for 2hrs a time. She does everything except for colthes washing, my Dad washes but she does the ironing.
It costs him £15 each time
We used to have a cleaner when i lived with 2 of my best mates, my friends boyfriend practicall lived with us and he felt bad for not paying rent etc so he paid for us to have a cleaner, we used an agency and our lovely cleaner roxanne came every monday for 2 hours, she would hoover and polish the whole house apart from our rooms, clean the kitchen including washing up and clean the bathroom.we were all usually still at work or in the pub when she came round, i think it was between £8-£10 an hour or something. But when you call an agency a manager comes round to discuss what tasks you want done and have a look at how big your house is and quotes you the prices!! I miss my cleaner!!
Gosh i think i should go clean privately instead, they get paid so much more than me! I only get minimum wage for the exact time im in the houses, not even my travelling time!
yeah you should they get a pretty good wage actually-thats what Roxanne got for our house because she didn't really have to do that much..because she did it once a week it was usually just a quick going over unless we had a busy party weekend!! hehe but she got more for doing ironing and stuff in other houses she worked in!
Thanks, ladies! I'll have a look in the local shop and see if their is a company I can get to come and give us a quote... Good to know that you all had positive experiences.
I'd love one, but I don't think it would work for me. I'd "clean" BEFORE the cleaner was due, just in case she thought I was a scuttler! lol :roll:
i run a cleaning company, and our average time in a house is 3 hours, but we change all the bed linen too, dust, hovver, bathrooms, and kitchens. Our cleaners are paid 8.00 an hour.

some times i would love my own cleaner when im snowed under, but cleaning is fun :D
lol once i done mine hahahaha its been neglected with babies being poorly
Awww i know how you feel Hayden has a cold today hes been so clingy i tried to put him down for a nap and he wouldn't go but he fell asleep on his beanbag 5 mins later bless him!!
Harriet is still going strong, no signs of her wantint to sleep, i think her chicken pox are driving her crazy :cry:
Poor little thing it must be so horrible! hope shes better soon :hug: :hug:
paradysso said:
Our cleaners are paid 8.00 an hour.

Omg seriously! Can i come and clean for you! I'm very good and I love cleaning! And i could clean EVEN better for nearly double my now wage!! :D :D
you get that little?? what does the company charge the customers per hour then??? they must be raking it in :o

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