

Well-Known Member
Dec 30, 2007
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Are you/did you get your children Christened?

I don't want mine Christened but the girls and work and some family members (on my dad's side typically :roll: ) have assumed I am and when I tell them why I don't want it, they say "ah that's ridiculous!" I just want to scream and say "It's MY baby!!"

Did anyone do it for family or just the celebration etc?

What are your views on it? xx
I think unless you are religious then there isnt much point but i would like a naming ceremony for my ds if we could afford it.
i'm a christian and i'd like my LO christened. But it should be your choice hun, don't let anyone force you into it! :hug:
were having a blessing for jayla . its like a chrisening but with out the godparents and not following the church. but its for the celebration of jayla being here x
We will not be Baptising our child as, although I am very spiritual (believe in a God) I do not go to church or would say I am at all religious. My OH is staunch atheist and has very very strong views on religion (he loves Richard Dawkins. :roll: )
We thought it would be wrong to make lots of promises in a church to bring our child up with a Christian ethos. (We had a civil wedding for a similar reason.)
We do intend to have a big party for all our friends and family to celebrate the arrival of our little one. My hubby wants to call it a 'Purgatory Party' as his sister keeps whining that our child will go to Purgatory if he/she dies and is not Christened :shock: (silly girl)
I wasn't Christened and we got married at Gretna Green. Neither of us go to church so why on Earth would I want to get Connie Christened?

Am very happy for others to make the choices that suit them so wouldn't expect anyone to tell me what to do either - Dannii it is DEFINITELY your choice.

Like others, I think we'll be having a naming ceremony though, if nothing else, just so all our friends and family can meet Connie.
I'm not religious nor do I attend church (the last time I went was in about 1982 when I was 12) so I'd never dream of having our child christened, baptised or anything else like that.

I never married in a church or had a religious ceremony either. I personally find it hypocritical to do so.

Our child does not need god parents to help them grow up in the world. We have enough good family and friends for that. None of whom attend church or are particularly religious.
I voted no because I don't belong to any religion and neither does my OH. Do what you want to do, not what others expect. Its just the generation gap, the way we bring our kids up these days is alot different to how it used to be done so fair play to people who believe Christenings are the way to go but nobody should tell you its 'ridiculous' not to have your LO Christened. What is ridiculous is to spend alot of money doing something you don't want to do just to please other people. I'm a god parent to 2 of my OH's children and I stood in church and went through the ceremony but my SIL and BIL know me and OH aren't religious but they still wanted us to do it so we did.

We had a naming day as we didn't want to have any kind of religious element to a service and yet we wanted to celebrate Dan arriving in the world. Neither of us are religious, I'm an atheist whereas OH is more of an agnostic, but neither could have stood in a church, making promises to a god that we don't believe exists, so a naming day was perfect :)

Don't let anyone push you into anything you don't want too. Its your baby hun, I would start as you mean to go on and do what you want.
We are planning on getting Arianna christened but havent done as yet. Although I dont go every week to church (it's just not possible) I do try to attend every now and then.

Both Brian and I were christened (I'm Church of Scotland, he is Church of England)... I would like to get her christened in the church we were married in (the same one as I got christened in)
Happybunny said:
My hubby wants to call it a 'Purgatory Party' as his sister keeps whining that our child will go to Purgatory if he/she dies and is not Christened :shock: (silly girl)

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: I almost wet myself when I read that!!
inforabumpyride said:
Happybunny said:
My hubby wants to call it a 'Purgatory Party' as his sister keeps whining that our child will go to Purgatory if he/she dies and is not Christened :shock: (silly girl)

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: I almost wet myself when I read that!!

:rotfl: :rotfl: He is a nutter, thing is though, he is entirely serious!!
its personal choice

i was christened and i will get my baby christened
Neither OH and I are religious so we won't be getting LO christened. I was christened (Church of England) even though my dad doesn't believe in God and my mum was brought up a catholic and isn't particularly religious, which seems a bit pointless to me.
If LO wants to be christened when she is old enough to decide what she wants then she can.
Although my DH was bought up with a very religious upbringing and all his family are still heavily involved with their local church neither me nor DH actually go to church or follow religion so we're not having a christening because we won't be bringing up the baby as any religion. It will be their choice.

I think we will have some sort of family gathering after the baby is born to celebrate them being here but nothing religious.
yes my son will be Christened (on 13th April - my goodness so much to do, so little time!).
I'm Catholic and I want my children to be part of that.

my husband is agnostic but he doesn't mind if the children are Catholic.

my daughter was baptised too as a baby.

When it comes time for them to have their confirmation at age 13/14, that is when they will have the choice whether to remain with the church or not.
i am the same as xena in the way that my children can decide what they want to do when they are older, but we are having them christened because we are both catholic and have had catholic upbringings, as have both of our families.
Xena said:
When it comes time for them to have their confirmation at age 13/14, that is when they will have the choice whether to remain with the church or not.

I'm the same as Xena but I'm not religious & we got Harrison christened because we wanted him to have the choice, when he gets old enough he can choose whether he wants to stay with the church or not! Yes we could have waited untill he was old enough to choose to be and then get him christenend but we wanted it done whilst he was a baby, we feel it would be easier to bring him up teaching him christianity rather than wait for him to be old enough to understand and then try and teach him.
We make sure we take Harrison to church every now and then as well! I felt when I was younger there was never enough information given about God, Jesus and the bible so I couldn't believe something I knew nothing about but with Harrison I want him to learn it all and he can make his own choice. I don't think it hypocritical having my Son christened although Im not a believer or christened myself. We all have to start somewhere.

I have to add that no one can tell YOU what to do with YOUR child! If you don't want to have s/he christened then there's nothing wrong with that!

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