Christening woes


Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2010
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Im getting LO christened at the end of May and we are having the celebration after in our garden! We have food sorted and gazebos etc but its the children im worried about! They have their own food catered for but im worried about keeping them entertained, which is annoying because if we'd gone for a venue I wouldnt feel this worry, but because its in our garden what could I do to keep them entertained or do you think parents will bring toys along for them and its their job to make sure they are entertained? Thought about hiring or buying garden games but after eveything else the money is a bit tight! Thanks for any opinions ideas or advice x
Do you have room for a little bouncy castle? You can hire a small one for less than £50 and they keep kids entertained all day xx
Yes we probably would, good idea! Do hire companies come set up for u? Xx
The ones we have hired do. They come in the morning, get it blown up and come back to collect at night x
Personally I think it's the parents responsibility to entertain their children but maybe that's just me. We always take things for the boys to keep them busy toys etc you have enough to worry bout than everybody else s kids! Again maybe I'm too tight!! Xx
I was going to suggest the bouncy castle too.... gives hours of amusement to the kiddies ( and the grown ups!)
My mum gets a right bee in her bonnet about people who turn up to her house with their kids and no toys for them to play with. I took Blake to hers when he was 6 weeks old whilst I went out shopping and because I brought no toys she kicked off! (he was bloody newborn practically!). So, I went to home bargains and bought loads of boy/girl toys and went round car boots/charity shops for baby toys. Got a basket and put them all in, presented it to my mum and it cost me less than a tenner. Now she's always got something for a kid to play with whatever their age and she bloody shuts up!

Good luck doing it at yours hun! We had been talking about doing a kind of naming ceremony/christening at ours (no church bit - basically a celebration of Blake etc) but after catering for 50 people at our house last week for Shaun's mum's surprise 50th there's no way! I am still whacked from it. It was a right mission. Just make sure you have plenty of wine to hand...for yourself! To cope! Xxx
Personally I think it's the parents responsibility to entertain their children but maybe that's just me. We always take things for the boys to keep them busy toys etc you have enough to worry bout than everybody else s kids! Again maybe I'm too tight!! Xx

I like this!! Haha! I would get bouncy castle but hubby says there won't be room! He just doesn't see why we should spend expense on entertaining others kids! He says it's not aidens birthday party!! Maybe I'll get in touch with those with kids and ask them to being done garden games to share if they have any??! Xx

Thanks Gemma! Luckily a fam friend is doing the catering but we have 60 coming .... Arghhh were mad!! That's a good idea what u did at mums, she's a funny bunny ha xx
Bubble wrap, cardboard boxes etc kids love that sort of thing, you could even have some messy play stuff if you warn people first. how old are the kids? x
Thanks, haha they range from babies to 12 years old! 14 of them in total arghhhh! xx
Id go for the bouncy castle thing. Im having a naming ceremony for Paige and theres only going to be like 7 children there and Ive no idea how to entertain them! Im hiring a venue but Im pretty sure they might let me hire a bouncy castle but Ill get an adults one so we can all have a bounce :)
You could have a kids corner, maybe with a play mat on the floor for babies and some arty/ colouring/ play doh etc stuff on a table for older kids? Shouldn't cost too much. I'm having a naming day for ella and thinking of doing the same. I went to a 1st birthday party the other week and they had stuff like that for older kids but nowhere I could put ella down without risk of trampling!

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