christening outfit (for me!)


Well-Known Member
May 5, 2006
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Im going to a christening on 3rd December (I'll be about 12 weeks so I might have a little bump :cheer: )

Anyway I need your help finding something to wear. Im thinking about some white linen trousers (Id prefer maternity ones cos they're gonna be more comfy) and a nice top. Any ideas? I've never been to a christening before, only my own when I was 4 :lol:

I had a christening to go to a few weeks ago I was 26 weeks pregnant then so had a bump and it was a nightmare.

In the end I wore a pair of black maternity trousers and a long sleeved maternity top! It didnt really look that smart but I got away with it. I had no money to go out and buy anything especially you see.

If you do have money to go out and by something, there are some great online shops like JoJo Maman Bebe and Blooming Marvellous. They do some nice, smart trousers and tops. Or if you dont want to spend much try looking on Ebay for some items, I have a few maternity tops that I picked up for a few quid, well worth it.

White linen trousers sounds good, but we are in October now and personally I see them more as a Summer item of clothing? Have you thought about black linen trousers or pinstripes, they are all ways flattering!

You will have to let us know what you buy, enjoy the day :D
I went to a christening recently as well. I'd got some maternity trousers (white) which I was going to wear with a nice blouse. I had a chunky cardi for on top, which I didn't need as it was a beautiful day. Diasaster struck on the am of the christening as my trousers' elastic pinged off when I put them on (they were v cheap off ebay), so I ended up making do with a skirt I had which was in brown courdrouy with sparkly bits and embroidery on. Nicer than it sounds lol. Anyhow, I didn't look too bad, and I noticed that although people were smart, they weren't quite as smart as they at weddings. I was expecting wedding smart people, and feeling very under-dressed, but the people were actually mroe church-smart, if that makes any sense? I'm not a Christian, but church smart to me means looking smart, but not ott with it. *sighs* I'm sure you will look beautiful whatever you wear!
my most favourite for do's like that is coast its spensive but well worth it!
At Rebecca's christening I wore a polka dot boob tube dress - not clingy as I have a spare tyre. :rotfl: Other people wore trousers and a fancy top, skirts etc. :wink:
I dont do skirts or dresses so its gonna have to be a nice pair of trousers and a top!

(yes Im fussy! :roll: )

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