Chicken pox

Rhino Horn

Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2010
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I'm not sure if my 2 year old has the pox. She has had a few spots come up on Saturday, 3 on one arm, 1 on her back, 1 on her tummy and a couple on her face. Today 2 more came up on her face.

She has been perfectly well in herself which is why I'm just not sure.

Anyone's LO s had the pox without being poorly? Xx

My LO hasn't had chicken pox, but I had it mildly as a kid and wasn't ill with it.

If you've been in recent contact with someone you know who has chicken pox it probably is. There is a lot of it about at the moment.
She's been in contact with loads of children who have had it...since December! I'm surprised she hasn't had it sooner, I went out and bought all of the creams just before Xmas because I was so convinced she was going to get it.

If she has got it then she's got off very lightly, the spots aren't bothering her at all! I'll have to keep an eye out for her sister.

Thanks :)

Are they like little clear fluid filled blisters? T had them when he was 4 months old, although not badly he had many within the space of 12 hours and was grumpy and running a slight temp the day before they arrived. xx
Nope they just look like spot spots if that makes sense. Neither me or her nursery can work out if they are the pox or not. I'm leaning towards not as she's not itching although one or two have been a little bit uncomfortable.

I'll see what happens to her sister over the next couple of weeks! Xxx


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