Chicken pox!! (Bloody things!!!)


Well-Known Member
Nov 25, 2012
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I know there's probably a slim chance anyone's awake at this hour but here goes..

My son started with chicken pox Sunday morning! he's 3..Apart from the souring temperature and the odd bout of grumpiness ams the countless times of telling hin to stop scratching he's not actually been too bad!

Was just wondering if it is normal for chicken pox to affect the sleeping pattern? This is the second night in a row he's woken up at stupid o clock in the morning, whined, came into our bed and then we have the fight to get him back to sleep, he eventually does give in!

Is there anyway we can make him sleep?, we have calamine lotion in abundance and calpol for when he's heating up, or is it just one of those things that has to run its course? me and my OH are running on fumes at the moment and would do anything for a good night's sleep!:lol:

Thanks guys!
I had chicken pox last April, it was horrendous so i feel for your little one! It didn't affect my sleep directly but the itch drive me mad that i just couldn't get a good rest. I was up every hour or two putting lotion on to calm it but once it wore off i was up again! He probably just feels very poorly in general, hopefully after a few nights he'll settle, i think its just the discomfort getting him up. Sorry ive nothing really to help it will just run its course so youre doing all you can do, good luck :)
Our 2 year old is just over chickenpox. We were lucky she continued to sleep through but it did affect getting her to sleep in the first place. We gave her oat baths before bed to help ease the itching. This heat and itchy spots together can't be much fun for your son but fortunately it doesn't last too long x
Our 2 year old is just over chickenpox. We were lucky she continued to sleep through but it did affect getting her to sleep in the first place. We gave her oat baths before bed to help ease the itching. This heat and itchy spots together can't be much fun for your son but fortunately it doesn't last too long x

This sounds very interesting! What did you do, how do you do it and how often??? Many thank for letting me know! Xx
You just put a few handfuls of oats into an old sock, knot it to keep them inside and then use that instead of bath products. It makes the bath quite creamy, although a bit brown, and you can squeeze and rub the sock over the spots as well. It's a cheap and natural remedy and good for dry skin too. Our daughter was asking for baths every night!
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