*** Charts for breastfed babies *** The real ones!


Well-Known Member
May 8, 2006
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http://www.who.int/nutrition/media_page/en/ ( bottom of page :) )

To all new mums especialy, please print this out and use it in your red book instead of the growth chart already in it, its for forumla fed babies!!!

Because of bad advise from HVs many poor mums have been bullied and scared into giving up when in fact there baby is developing perfectly well!!

Please take it and print them out, hand lots to your HVs they need to stop giving bad advise, we cant wait around for the government to do this!

They are going to be replacing the formula fed ones as its not setting a very good example, forumla isnt supposed to be a guideline, breast milk is.

This is nothing at all against any formula mums ( before you jump down my throat :lol: ) This is fact and its what is going to happen to get britain back to breastfeeding.

:D Thank you all
i think they should put both in and use the one that applies to the situation.

but then you have those who do both :think: mmm... maybe not an ideal idea :)
Yeah... my HV brought my red book round... i happily plotted ellouise's weight growth on it.. every week gettin more depressed thinknig she wasnt gaining enough... till the "hippy" midwife gave me a new one for BREASTFED babies...

i was getin close to supplementing

i hope it gets promoted more, as i bet LOADS of people have giving up on bf'ing due to it
I think they should do both in one book too, when i had Willow there was a section for boys and one for girls but in Conals only a section for boys so they can always add one for bf, if you use both fill in both that way no-one feels excluded :)

If you ff and go by bf scale won't it make your baby obese?
I am sorry to say this but it has been shown that due to the formula feeding growth charts it has been seen to cause obesity in babies.


I personaly feel that formula charts should not be used as an example for mothers, especialy new mums to follow, this is one of the main reasons for a formula feeding culture IMO.

If breastfeeding was more the norm, more women would do it, ther by giving Breastfeeding mums more support from health care proffesionals. There is so much bad advise and it needs to be stopped, otherwise more and more mums will feel like failers because of a HV telling them there baby is not gaining enough weight.
no i meant wouldn't it make your baby look obese as in ff babies would be high over the top and bf babies would be on the average line

sorry didn't read it back :oops:
h33 said:
no i meant wouldn't it make your baby look obese as in ff babies would be high over the top and bf babies would be on the average line

sorry didn't read it back :oops:

makes sense to me.

the problem i have is by overly promoting breast feeding, those who end up forumla feeding because bf didn't work out for one reason or another end up feeling crap. i know i felt naff when bf didn't work for us and i felt like i had left alice down & was getting too stressed out about the whole thing. but seeing her now, doing so fantastic on formula, im happy i made that decision.

i personally think "happy mummy and baby is best" :D they need to make the benefits of both types clear and let individuals decide what is best for them. but i do agree that formula feeding was the norm over breast feeding, now i feel its more evened out.

people are indivduals with individual ideas and beliefs. They need to treat them as such.
I am sorry that you feel that way Sam, if you dont mind me asking, why were you unable to breastfeed?

I found breastfeeding extremly tiering and hard work, without the support of OH's mum and the ladies off the forum I wouldnt be doing it now.

So my point is if breastfeeding was the main way to feed your child ( and should be IMO) there would be more support and more women would succesfully breastfeed, its too easy to go onto formula for mums because of the Health visitors not supporting or giving correct information. I am sure you would be doing it yourself if you had the right support, I can see alot of women feel awful and guilty because they were made to think they couldnt do it, do you not see my point?

If breastfeeding was the norm again people wouldnt get so uptight about it, you wouldnt be so scared or felt wrong for doing it.

I dont understand why breastmilk shouldnt be the main source of nutritian, its what breasts are for and it is the best thing you can give your baby, I dont get why some wouldnt want more support out there so all women could do what nature intended :think:

I must say this is not a dig at formula mums, not at all, its at the health care professionals giving bad advise, these are the ones who have failed, not you!!!
Can i just ask if i'm looking at the correct chart?, it's monthly not weekly?

I personally got to the point of nearly giving up breast-feeding this week, Holly had lost an ounce instead of gaining and i actually got some good advice for a change and she's gained 6oz this week, having no chart as such i'm not sure if this is good or bad, drives me nuts the fact that there aren't two charts in the Red Book.
Yes the ones you are looking at are monthly, there are more of an example as to what the charts will be like.

I think for first time mums, seeing the progresion of their child is important, especialy having the right chart.

I am sorry to hear you have had problems :hug: I hope you are both back on track :hug:
oooooo good thread! about time this was done
changing subject a little but still on the same track as charts-

i wish they would take the weight along with the lenth

Harley loks obese on his chart but they dont take into count his hight
dionne said:
changing subject a little but still on the same track as charts

i wish they would take the weight along with the lenth

Harley loks obese on his chart but they dont take into count his hight

my nephew is the same.. hes sooo tall, but his weight on the graph makes him look big :(
There is alot to concider when doing these charts and the WHO are doing just that.

Its the same as when a child is born at a lower weight than another child born on the same day, their growth rate and weight will be very different.
I automatically got both charts in my red book! :think: breast and formula
As far as im aware they are not widley available here, but in Scotland they have had a breastfeeding campagne go on for quite along time now.

The breastfeeding awareness week was more of a thing up there before it came to England
Here the chart in your baby book is for breastfed babies because that's the norm in Hungary, so normal in fact that you cannot buy newborn formula in shops or chemists, its only available on prescription.
The weight and height charts are combined here too so you can a true picture of your child's weight on the one chart.
And Eastern Europe is supposedly trying to catch up to the Uk :roll: seems like they are way ahead to me.
on the growth chart thats in the red book(bottle fed chart), if your breast feeding will the growth rate drop off/not keep up?

how different are they?

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