Channel 4 Princess Diana Programme tonight


Well-Known Member
May 4, 2005
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Will any of you watch it?

I'm still unsure. I dont want to as I just cant imagine how much pain this is causing William and Harry.... but at the same time it could answer a lot of questions.

I certainly don't want to see the pics.
In my opinion they shouldnt make programmes about her any more, if they have things that could help to understand what happened thats fine but keep it to them selves, think its about time she rest in peace
On the Wright stuff, Matthew wright said you couldn't see anything anyway, and it wasn't as shocking as they make out.

However, I do think it is very disrespectful to harry and william though, and channel 4 were wrong to buy the pictures when no one else would.

But I do feel that by giving the programme all this publicity, it means more people are going to watch it anyway?
I am not going to watch it...It was such a long time ago, there is only so many times you can go over the same thing.

I guess i don't even care enough to watch it.I do feel for Wills and Harry..imagine your mom been killed and it been bought up time after time on the Tv how do they move on?
SarahH said:
Will any of you watch it?

I'm still unsure. I dont want to as I just cant imagine how much pain this is causing William and Harry.... but at the same time it could answer a lot of questions.

I certainly don't want to see the pics.

princess Diana? who is she? :think:
Ok so I don't agree on programmes like this, we know she died, that it seems to have been slighly suspitious circumstances etc but I don't think they will ever let her rest in peace. Look at the deaths surrounding JFK, M.Munroe, Elvis etc....there was a programme on JFK just a fortnight or so ago, his family have watched him being shot a thousand and one times and yet they still found the need to re-show it on TV ever so recently. She's one of the most famous/recognised people in the world (even people not into pop stars or celebs know who Diana was) and thus I guess the circumstances will just be chewed over time and time again.

Were out to antenatal tonight so we have taped it...whether I'll watch it or not is another thing, it's more on record for DH and the crappy friday night's on TV type thing.
well i watched it coz im sick and in the words of catherine tates nan

Im sorry but its been 10 years nearly, now let it be :x let her rest in peace, it doing my head in that the media keeps bringing it up
So, who watched it? I didn' and wondered if the pics were as bad as everyone says?
It didnt show you anything or answer any questions!

Did you see the pic with the car just after the accident when it had bashed the tunnel wall - the exhaust had fallen off the car and was lying half under the car - my friend was round and asked "is that a head?" :shock: I was like "no its the exhaust" - scary thing is she is a doctor!!
SarahH said:
It didnt show you anything or answer any questions!

Did you see the pic with the car just after the accident when it had bashed the tunnel wall - the exhaust had fallen off the car and was lying half under the car - my friend was round and asked "is that a head?" :shock: I was like "no its the exhaust" - scary thing is she is a doctor!!

haha!!! Remind me not to get sick when I'm in your area :shock: :rotfl:
I dont think it wa too bad they did not show anything that i thought was wrong.

Cant see why they cant leave the poor women alone..

its been 10 yrs for christ sake...

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