changed midwife and doctors today..


Well-Known Member
Dec 25, 2006
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Hi all,

I changed doctors today, and therefore got a new midwife too which is good. Just seems a bit strange that they let me change even though I'm like 33 weeks now.

Really hope this doctors is better though, my other doctors surgery only had 1 doctor and the midwife came once every 2 weeks on a thursday for 6 appointments. She was VERY part time. I've had to book everything with my hospital myself, I've not been offered any parenting classes, or even shown where to find some, and now it's probably too late. She hasn't rung my hospital for anything for me as it's not one of the ones she would pick.. I didn't even meet her til 20 weeks. She's basically been really unhelpful and when I rung to ask about Pre-Eclamsia she pretty much mocked me.

Has anyone else had a midwife that's as useless as mine, or has anyone else changed doctors midway through their pregnancys? Man I really hope the new one is better!

michelle x
Ive just recently changed michelle due to a move, but ive moved from great top of the range care, to a bitch that couldnt care less about me and called me obese at our first meeting.

You could say it wasnt a successful meeting and i wish i hadnt of moved till my daughter is born,But didint have much choice.

Hope you have better luck then me hun
I'm sure you're new one has to be better!
I had 2 crappy ones and then one okay one at my last place and now I've moved and not met my new one yet, so we're in the same boat. I'm optimistic though!
Bad news on yours mrs_tommor22, have you tried changing? It's never too late, especially the amount of visits you'll need to make to her over the last few weeks.

I hope this new one is better for you hun , what a shame the first one wasnt
I hope you get better treatment with your new doctor and midwife. It's not too late for parentcraft or ante natal classes. I went to the parentcraft day when I was 34 weeks and we only booked it the week before. Have you asked at the hospital about classes? You may find you can still go. :hug:
Mrs T thats appalling!! :shock: I am in shock!!
Had various midwifes this pregnancy and the last one, and the difference is amazing from one to the next. I would just say, if you're unhappy, keep on, don't feel embarrassed, this is the most important thing ever and we shouldn't feel pressured to NOT do/say exactly what we want during pregnancy!! :talkhand:
OverTheMoon said:
Mrs T thats appalling!! :shock: I am in shock!!
Had various midwifes this pregnancy and the last one, and the difference is amazing from one to the next. I would just say, if you're unhappy, keep on, don't feel embarrassed, this is the most important thing ever and we shouldn't feel pressured to NOT do/say exactly what we want during pregnancy!! :talkhand:

Her attitude towards me was awful, walked out crying.She based her opinons of me on her own assement, if the stupid cow had bothrered to look throught my notes she would have seen i was very healthy and my previous MW had nothing but support and confidence for me.
I'm about to change doctors due to a move at 34 weeks but i'm concerned that there may be a delay in booking in with the midwife if she's fully booked - especially since baby's currently being monitored as she measures a bit small. Has anyone had a delay in meeting their new midwife or has your surgery sorted things out quickly?

up till now my midwives have been fine (although had a student examine me last time and she was really rough when feeling my tummy :x ) so hoping the new ones will be just as good.
I moved to a bigger practice so my midwife support has got better and I could have an appointment pretty much whenever I wanted one.
Good for you Leckershell for changing! I must say that I have been lucky with my MW so far but we will be moving in a couple of weeks time and I'll certanly do my best to stay in the area of my current surgery! Don't need and fancy a MW change at this stage!
elaine22 said:
has your surgery sorted things out quickly?

My new surgery wasn't much use as the midwife only does wednesday afternoon appointments and I work away from home mon-fri. But they told me to ring the Community midwifes at the hospital directly and they were more flexible and made me an appointment for a friday at my new flat. And they've told me to book a midwife appointment with the doctor at the surgery for the next appointment because I'll need that on a friday too. So they've been flexible with my situation, but it means I'll have seen a different person each time for my first 3 or 4 appointments :?

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