

Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2006
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Not sure where to put this.

Does anyone have cats and are pregnant?

I have just had one of mine (who is a heavy bugger) jump on me a couple of times right on the bottom of my belly.

Will he harm my foetus?
I dont think it would harm you at this point but I would start to discourage it just now so that when you get a bit bigger he will be more gentle. Thats not to say you stop him sitting on you. There is nothing nicer than a cat asleep on you, purrrring away.
Of course i would never try and stop him from sitting on my knee because he doesnt do it very often.

It is just typical that it is the one day i havent worried nearly half as much as i have been and he goes and jumps on me. :roll:

My other female cat wont leave me alone either, but she seems to be being a little gentler.
Flame said:
Of course i would never try and stop him from sitting on my knee because he doesnt do it very often.

Mines is like that too, I feel very honoured when he gives me a few minute of his time. :D I always wondered if the baby could hear the purring and if it was very calming for the baby. My jess is very chilled out.
I can imagine it could be quite calming for the baby.
I have quite a few lol..and me and my coco were pregnant at the same time, she got pg after me and had her babies 4 months ago!!! not fair! lol.

I doubt it would have harmed you're baby has alot of padding protecting him/her and cats arnt really that heavy, even the heffalump cats!

Mine have jumped on my tummy loads while i have been pg and im fine :D

But you shouldnt be doing the litter tray just in case you didnt already know :)
Thanks for replying Cassi, i do know i'm not meant to be doing the cat trays, but i will let you into a little secret, i'm a lazy so and so and always made my oh do it anyway :lol:

I want my youngest cat to have kittens, she is a Bengal cat and has really pretty markings, unfortunately i am having problems finding a cat to breed her with.
i havent got a cat but ive got a little doggie and she keeps jumping on my belly when she jumps up to get comfy on my lap, OH keeps telling her off! :rotfl:
Emma22 said:
i havent got a cat but ive got a little doggie and she keeps jumping on my belly when she jumps up to get comfy on my lap, OH keeps telling her off! :rotfl:

My yorkie was always sat on my belly when I was pregnant, she even hopped on top of my bump when I was having contractions bless her!!
Flame said:
Thanks for replying Cassi, i do know i'm not meant to be doing the cat trays, but i will let you into a little secret, i'm a lazy so and so and always made my oh do it anyway :lol:

I want my youngest cat to have kittens, she is a Bengal cat and has really pretty markings, unfortunately i am having problems finding a cat to breed her with.

Most cats are neutered these days, you could look at a stud cat, but they are expensive, if she is pedigree with papers then you should n't have too many problems finding a stud cat,.... so of the breeders are a bit strict to who they breed with.
hanks for replying Cassi, i do know i'm not meant to be doing the cat trays, but i will let you into a little secret, i'm a lazy so and so and always made my oh do it anyway
me too :wink: :shhh:

My Smudge is a STUD :wink: ! Shame we got him clipped after he gave us 5 new little sexy things! hehe

as you can see he likes to keep himself occupied and busy:



He looks a bit like my boy cat, he is called Talon.
One of our cats sits on my bump, he knows, doesnt usually do it. Only time he has ever sat on my stomach was when I had surgery last year. He is psychic. The other is too big,fat and daft to realise I am pregnant!Love Jo.
AH ! :rotfl: I am afraid I am not a cat fan, and i know people will not like this at all... but my oh has 2 grandchildren and they have 2 cats, the youngest grandaughter has astma, The GP blamed the cats? Now ok! I know it's not the cats and yes she still has them. But when i said she shouldn't be changing the tray, she went nuts! Go figure eh? It's not like i said get rid of them but i wish clear advise on whats really harmful and not for pet owners was automatically given ant first GP appointment. :wall:
Its not really harmfull there is just a risk there. If the doctor went through ALL the risks at you're first app you would be there forever! Hence if people dont already know the do's and dont's of pregnancy then they should buy a book!

Also the child with Asthma and the GP saying the cat was the cause is the biggest croc of shit i have ever heard.

I have 4 cats was 7 untill 3 of the kittens were rehomed and I have asthma and since i got cats it has not got worse at all...

What does the gp think fur is made out of dust or something?!?!
:evil: Makes me mad when the GPs jump to conclusions and blame pets for allergies, there's so many things we use in the home that can cause allergies/asthma.

You are right about the litter tray though, or she can change it but she should use gloves. Being a pet owner though I bet she's immune to toxiplasmosis (whatever it's called). She could have a blood test to find out.

I just let my DH change the cat litter when I was pg, we have 4 cats. We've had no problems what so ever. I think it's good for children to grow up with pets.

We try and keep them in too much of a sterile environment these days which must contribute to the increase in allergies/asthma etc...
I agree ashtma is only getting worse because we try so hard to prevent it and dont let 1 spec of dust come anywhere near children...let them live and gain an immune system!
My cats sit on my tummy too, the kitten isnt' a problem but my big (neutered!) tom is very heavy.. I'm not too worried about him hurting the baby as I know it's well protected, but at the moment I can't bear any pressure on my tummy so I have to move him.. Bless him, he knows I'm uncomfortable and tries to avoid the bad bits but sometimes he just can't help himself! He's very affectionate..

Can't wait til the first time one of them is sitting on me and gets kicked through my tummy

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