*~* Caption Competition 3 *~* ENTRYS UP, GET VOTING!

im about to throw a tantrum :shakehead: !!!!!!!
i only have 12 entries so far, i want there to be more than the current record of 19! come on get those brains in gear :twisted: !
yeah hun yours if fine, ive pmed the people who have have a duplicate caption. there are loads of funny ones this week, i think it will be hard to choose :D
we have 14 entries so far :cheer: (less than usual but it means those that have entered have more chance of winning)
still have until 8pm tonight to enter and then the entries will be announced and voting can commence :D
I would enter but I honestly cannot think of anything! I'm rubbish at stuff like that! I will be voting though! :D
I've entered but it's prob rubbish...I have no imagination :wink:

Oh and M_M :moon: it's mine!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
Sorry I couldn't see your post - your big @rse was in the way


hey hey hey! lets keep this thread clean, no bums allowed :rotfl:

woohoo 17 entries so far, i want people who havent entered before to enter, come on dont be shy :D
ive entered for the first time, although its not very imaginative as im crap at things like this :doh:
any last minute entrys?
entrys announced in 15min so voting can commence :D
bump cos the entries ar up, happy voting and good luck to all the entrees!
bumpity bump, we're probably going to needmore votes than usuall this week as they are so wide spread 8)

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