cant stop thinking about miscarriage :(


Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2011
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hi everyone. im new to this site and new to being pregnant! found out two weeks ago that im pregnant with my first child. im about 7 weeks. since i found out i have been really excited, but then that same worry creeps into my head. what if i miscarry? it seems that my every thought always leads back to this one. im 21 years old. im healthy. i dont smoke. i rarely drank alcohol before finding out i was pregnant, and since i found out i havent touched a drop. ive been taking my folic acid every day. and luckily baby has me craving all healthy foods. i know im doing things the best i can, but i still cant help but worry. im convinced im gunna show up for my first scan and theres not going to be anything there. does anyone else feel this way? :(
welcome! and a big congratulations :D

does anyone else feel this way?

i am constantly worrying, even though i had to have an early scan yesterday and it showed it was all normal.

i suppose its the same for most people, i know i wont relax until i see a heartbeat!
its really good that you are being really healthy, which will probably help.
this is also my first pregnancy, if you ever need a chat, just send me a PM
Hey hun, congrats and welcome :) Don't worry you aren't alone. I'm trying so hard to chill and enjoy my pregnancy but I worry all the time and like you have a real fear that I will get to the scan and there will be nothing there. I have no reason to think there's a problem but I think it is completely natural to feel this way. Everyone on here is so lovely and will help to reassure you every step of the way :) xxx
thankyou!! it literally wont leave my mind. ive been feeling soooo exhausted these last few days and really emotional. so i know im still pregnant but its easily forgotten and i just set right back into panic mode!
glad your scan showed that everything was normal. how do you go about getting an early scan? does it cost? so much stuff i just dunno the answer to!
thanks, im here if you need to chat also!! good luck for you and your lil bump xx
Yep! I felt exactly the same, worrying all the time, looking up the statistics etc. You probably won't relax until your first scan, but tri 2 is much more enjoyable! So just hang on and keep doing what your doing. My mum reassured me by saying that if you miscarry it's natures way and was probably for a reason (ie baby isn't healthy, not as in 'god has a plan' lol). The statistics get better with every week you get through. You'll be fine!! Xxx
thanks 'taffyrose' :) feels so nice to come on here and know im not alone. my boyfriend is an absolute gem. hes being as supportive as he can be, but i still kinda feel like a man cant really understand what we're all going through! he doesnt worry half as much as me, but i know he cares! just makes me feel insane tht i spend all my time worrying. glad im not the only one though! x
thanks carlyD. congrats on being 21weeks! cant wait til im there! xx
i only had an early scan because i was getting stomach pain and bleeding, they just wanted to check everything was ok
(it was!)
i dont think you can request them, not sure though :s

aaah thankyou.
glad to hear everythings okay with you and your little one :) xxx
Hi littlesmoosh. welcome to the forum. It's great here and everyone is really nice and can give you excellent advice! Congrats on your pregnancy!

You are definately not alone in how you are feeling, I think everyone has expressed similar concerns. I had my 12 week scan yesterday (which felt like an eternity following my BFP at 6 weeks!) I was so terrified as I walked to the maternity unit and lay down on the bed that there was going to be nothing there even though I knew I was pregnant and had symptoms to prove it they were quite mild, so I was terrified I'd imagined it all. Lo and behold as soon as the scan began we saw a beautiful baby dancing around - to say it was amazing was an understatement!

You are doing all the right things hun, it's natural to have these worries, but you just have to relax and enjoy your pregnancy as much as you can! There is tonnes of support here when you are feeling worried.

Wishing you all the best xx
Everyone feels exactly the same! I had an early scan at 7 weeks (I went private). It cost me £50 but I got to hear the heartbeat which was amazing. It hasn't stopped me worrying completely especially as my symptoms have eased off since 8 weeks but like you I am healthy, dont smoke and didn't really drink, I am a healthy weight so there's no reason to feel like something will go wrong. Unless you have any bleeding or pain then just try not to worry.
It is incredibly hard, as I worry every day, and I know the statistic of 1 in 5 sounds high, but that also means that 80% of pregnancy go on to be healthy, which I think is a great statistic :)
Congratulations on your BFP, and here's to a happy and healthy 9 months for all of us xxxx
Welcome to the group hun pretty new here myself and everyone is lovely im sure you will fit right in.

Your not alone with that worry hun i think pretty much all of us have it ...

all you can do is try and keep it in perspective and not let it take over it will ease naturally with each week that passes but there will always be times where you worry ....just remember we are all here if you need a chat or a bit of reassurance
Hi and welcome, can,t add anything else to the above posts, just wanted to say congrats!!
Like my doctor said to me last week if your gonna miscarry then theres nothing that can stop it no amount of do nothing will prevent it so you just gotta carry on.
Ive had 2 scans now due to bleeding and all was fine there was a heartbeat on both occasions and my little bambino was growing away in there making his/her home. Miscarriage is a scary thing i thought i was going through one and so i rushed myself to a n e on a saturday night all on my own never felt so lonely. Am still terrified that when i go for my 12 week scan theres going to be something wrong as symptoms are really basic of cramping pains, tiredness and sore boobs and only a little nausea compared to what ive read n here.
Tyr not to panic is my advice and stay away from google, made me alot worse, you sound like your doing the right things and you could always sopeak to your midwife again something i havent got yet even thought the doctor referred me a week ago xxx
hi everyone. im new to this site and new to being pregnant! found out two weeks ago that im pregnant with my first child. im about 7 weeks. since i found out i have been really excited, but then that same worry creeps into my head. what if i miscarry? it seems that my every thought always leads back to this one. im 21 years old. im healthy. i dont smoke. i rarely drank alcohol before finding out i was pregnant, and since i found out i havent touched a drop. ive been taking my folic acid every day. and luckily baby has me craving all healthy foods. i know im doing things the best i can, but i still cant help but worry. im convinced im gunna show up for my first scan and theres not going to be anything there. does anyone else feel this way? :(

Totally felt this way :) all the way up to my scan the other day, it unfortunately is drilled into us in the early stages to watch everything we do which in turn makes us worry, sometimes justified sometimes not.

I did 10 pregnancy tests in the end and even that didn;t make me feel better, I have nothing to offer than a HUGE hug xxxxx
Hey, welcome & congrats

Yes, we all have the same worries & fears, it's a nightmare lol I'm more worried this time than with my first too. Utterly convinced my scan will show there is nothing there!! But, I just have to accept it's out of my control and what will be will be.

BTW wish I was craving healthy stuff!! All my normal foods make me ill now and I just want mash and chips and pies lol

Don't wanna depress you lol but the worry doesn't really stop tbh. I'm petrified of losing my boy and will be until he is in my arms, his nappy is on wonky and he's screaming his head off at 3am :)

Congratulations xxxxxxxxxxx
well seen my hormones are going crazy as im crying at all your nice comments!!! thankyou so much to everyone!! its really nice to know that im not alone and you all feel the same way!
still not heard anything from midwife yet and i got reffered over a week ago too.. cant wait for an appointment card to come through the door so i have a scan date to count down to!
congratulations to all you guys on your pregnancies! this is the most significant time in all our lives im sure :):):)!!!!!
feeling pretty optimistic today after coming on here! :)
I can't wait to see my midwife too! Im seeing her Monday and then hopefully will get a date for my scan!! Soo excited! I'm sure yours will be soon :) xxxx
awww i really hope so. just dying to meet her!!!! need some sort of progress so that i feel like this is all real!! the doctor said he would send a referral then id get something through the mail. im starting to think he just forgot to refer me!!! :(
good luck with meeting your midwife!!! :) xxx

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