Can waters leak then stop?


Well-Known Member
Oct 11, 2006
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I know waters can leak bit by bit, but this seems strange.

Last night I got out of bed about four/five times to go to the toilet, which I have never done before (usually only once in the night), but the liquid was different. It certainly seemed more like water than urine.

It was only a trickle each time and now I feel fine and it seems to have stopped. Has anyone else had this and is it my waters or am I imagining things?
Hun i'd ring your midwife and she will probably advise you to ring the hospital.
Although its nothing to be worried about so don't panic.
Once the waters have broken they can't seel back up and because of that infection can get in if left over a long period of time.
Thats why the hosptial advise you to wait until your contractions are 3 minutes apart or until your waters have broken before coming into the labour ward.
I'd check it out just to be safe x x
I suppose so. I would just feel really really stupid if it isn't anything, especially since I haven't had any contractions or any other signs whatsoever.
I can't ring the midwife cos they're only in the surgery 1 day a week. I would have to ring one of the hospital numbers wouldn't I?

BTW: My midwife hasn't advised me anything. They are useless round here, I'd be completely lost without this forum.
I feel like that sometimes.....this forum is a saciour at MW is only available once a week at the surgery too...although in saying that to her defence she has given me a mobile number I can call during normal office hours but I hate bothering people so I know I would only ring it if I felt it was an emergency situation, in which case my DF would call hospital anyway :wall:

If it is your waters, then as TD says will be worth giving the labour ward a quick call just to inform them - they may just say to carry on and see what happens, I hope you have your baby soon, would be brill if you had baby on your due date wouldn't it :cheer:
Best to go and get it checked. They just do a quick test with litmus paper.
I lost some fluid with baby number two, and honestly didn't know if it was amniotic fluid or I'd peed myself! I went to the hospital and they did the test, as it turned out I started contractions whilst I was there!

Good luck!
When my waters broke - which sounds totally different to your experience, they smelt very different to pee, quite clean and fresh. I know some ladies on here were advised that it was just their hindwaters that were leaking, but you can't really tell until you've been checked out at hospital. Best to phone your delivery ward and I'm sure they'll advise you to go in and see them. It might be an idea to wear a maternity pad to collect some of the liquid so you can get an idea of what it is and how much you have leaking.
I've just rung and they said to have my lunch then go up, do I've woken OH up and we'll probably go soon.

Ginger, mine is clear and doesn't smell either, or at least smells completely different. I don't know anything about hind waters. What does that mean?

I've just run around packing a bag for me and bubbly so at least that's done now.
BTW Emmy, as I didn't answer before, yes it would be good to have her on the due date, but not getting my hopes up yet..

I don't seem to be leaking very much, but have a pad on as the person on the phone suggested. There is a sight colour in the pad now and I seem just a little bit wet (not enough to make me uncomfortable, just to notice).
good luck

sounds like it is making a start :cheer:

keep us imformed

:hug: :hug:

TBH I dont know what hindwaters are either, but I remember Ebonypreggy's (now Ebonymum I think) waters did a similar thing, and as it was the slow leaking it was called hind waters. A combination of baby being on it's way and where it is in the uterus - definitely nothing to worry about, but do keep your hospital informed with your progress :hug: Good luck!
Oooh hope bubs comes on your due date!
Good luck honey hoping u have a fast and easy labour :hug: :hug:
False alarm, apparently I have a urine infection and have been given antibioics. Surprise surprise, today i feel completely normal. I was sure there was something coming from me that was not urine though.. Oh well, today is my due date and there is no sign of an approaching bubbly at all.

Want to see my baby..
Sorry to hear it was a false alarm.........still.......hopefully not much longer for you hun, c'mon baby :cheer:

Will send you:

~~~~~~~~LABOUR VIBES~~~~~~~~
Hope it happens soon icecream,good luck and hope the UTI clears up soon for you :hug:
Ah well love at least you checked it out.
The same thing happened to my friend but she went into labour naturally very soon after anyway and I'm sure you haven't got long to go.
Good Luck x x

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