can i share some positive news?


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2006
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i dont want to sound complacent or like i dont care that i lost my baby, i am still sad about it and wish i was still pregnant. i just want to share how well i am coping now (stark contrast to a post i made in members area the week of the m/c) i do like to post positive things. :)

i went to the docs today to order a repeat prescription for zydol (strong painkiller for neckache after an accident in october), the receptionist said "but you're pregnant, aren't you?" (shows how often i'm at the docs LOL they kno my face and my conditions!) and i DID NOT get that stabbing chest pain and lump in my throat that i wouldve done one month ago- i just smiled (not in a cheerful way, in a polite way, iykwim) and said "not anymore, no". and I WAS OKAY! it wasnt hard to do, and i didnt walk out and feel like crying :)

i hope this post doesnt offend anyone who isnt coping as well as me, i dunno i just wanted to tell u all how- not "happy", thats not the right word- but "positive" i am feeling i think i am hoping i can rub some of it off onto some of you!

it makes me sad to think of others feeling how i did back in november, and i would love for you all to be at the place where i'm at now. i feel a bit guilty in a way that i'm doing well i want to share it out!

i'm going a bit woffly here sorry... :oops:

:hug: :hug: :hug: ***sends healing vibes to everyone*** :hug: :hug: :hug:
That's great hun.

I'm the same really - but I think being pregnant again has helped. Had a quiet tear at christmas but generally managing ok.

It doesn't mean we don't care - everyone deals with things differently xxx
I'm the same as you. I'm still sad about what has happened to me but I'm feeling so much more positive now. I didn't have any trouble getting pregnant, I've accidentally fallen pregnant before, so I''m hopeful I won't have any trouble in the future. I just feel like I want to get on with my life and move forward, not dwelling on the past. There's nothing I could have done to stop my miscarriage so I'm just looking forward to trying again and hopefully having a successful pregnancy xxxxx
I'm feeling exactly the same way but i'm also feeling guilty about feeling ok now. I suppose it's because other people are still tiptoeing around me not knowing what to say but actually i'm fine about what happened, there was nothing I could do about it and i'm just hoping that i'll get pregnant again soon.

I'm so pleased that all is going well for you hun :hug:
I'm really NOT at that place yet. I was... but I've gone back a step i think.

But hon, you should never feel guilty or feel like you should apologise for moving on. It's a step in the right direction!

:hug: :hug: :hug: ive said it before, but il say it again - I don't feel we every really compleletly get over a loss. It just gets easier with time. you are strong and it will become easier and easier to deal with. There will still be days when it hurts - days like your due date etc, but you need to remember times like this.

Ive only recently been able to say thank you to the receptionist at my GP surgery who hugged me and helped me look after A whilst i started poring with blood when i lost my little bean all that time ago. Ive found it to hard to remember back, but ive always felt guilty about not saying thank you. i don't think she quite realised how much she was a god send that day!

:hug: :hug: :hug:
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I'm not there yet either, even though sometimes I think I might be.

The best thing though trix is that you've given me hope. I want to crawl out of this sad place but I know it will take time. Thank you for posting because it was exactly what I wanted to hear.

Fab news, keep smiling!!
aww good kitkat i'm glad my post has given u hope!

just to add (dont wanna make a new thread) just bumped into a colleague from my old team a few minutes ago in the canteen, not seen her for ages (its a big office we not even on same floor) she said "ur having a little baby arent u!" again i did not feel all knotted up in fact i think she felt worse after i said no not any more she kept saying she was sorry and she said "oh i feel awful now" bless her, i told her i was fine now tho and changed the subject to my recent engagement :)

again, its not that i'm not sad. i feel pangs still from time to time. but i'm healed. thin metaphorical scar tissue just now but no fresh wound anymore :)

x :hug: x :hug: x :hug: x :hug: x

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