can i join you all from 2day?????


Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2006
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hi to you all, i am 13 weeks today, so am now in the 2nd tri!
first went quite quickly i suppose, have my scan later on 2day.
will keep you all posted-hope everyone is well. :D
welcome into the 2nd trimester and good luck with your scan - not that you'll need any luck!!!! is this your first baby? it's mine! my first scan was amazing! i kept thinking i'd get there and they wouldn't be able to find anything... but she found the heart beat really fast and then urned the screen around to show me my little baby growing!!! i had the biggst smile on my face for weeks.... hope you enjoy your yours.. let us know how you get on
thankyou! no this is actually my 3rd baby!! i have a 9yr old girl(georgia) & a 4 yr old boy (josh) so i should be a pro by now. i am 28 yrs old , so still quite young!!
i am really nervous about my scan too, even though i had a dating scan at 7 weeks, it was just a blob then, i get too scared to look at the screen until i know its all ok!
both my kids are coming with me to have a look!
congratulations to you on your 1st pregnancy- how have you been felling & whay is your due date? :D
Hi Foxymum

Good luck today! Im sure you will have a huge smile on your face for a while after you have your scan.

Its so good to be in the 2rd Tri!
thankyou imwarr! i keep going to click on 'first trimester' instead & then i remember!
i hope my scan is all ok. will let you all know later-scan is at 1.40pm. :D
Good luck for you scan later Foxymum.... and welcome to the second trimester... its the fun trimester!! hehe xxxxx
Oooo, another one in the second tri!! Getting a bit chocka in here now! :wink:

Good luck with your scan, let us see the piccie when you get back. :D
Welcome to the "blooming" phase.. although i am still waiting for the blooming myself!!!!!

i will definetley try but believe me i have not got a clue how to do it!!
lol, i'm quite computer phobic! only know how to get on here & ebay!!!!

talk to you all later, am leaving at 1pm, feel sick couldn't even eat a proper lunch am sooo nervous.
to anna marie- yes i am still waiting to bloom, you will soon i remember from previous pregnancys people saying how well i looked all the time :D
Hi I hope the scan went well. Hope you sail through this trimester (and me too lol)


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