Can i have a little moan:(


Well-Known Member
Apr 24, 2006
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I know i dont come in here often, i dont expect replies. Im just getting frustrated with ttc now. On one hand im not really suprised we havnt concieved as my oh has had quite a few problems with his back, that he refuses to go to the docs about :roll: so obviously it means less bd'ing so less chance of us making a baby, plus with work it seems like a losing battle that we will never win, i am really starting to feel like it will never happen unless we are able to get more bd in. On the other hand im frustrated as with Hope i got pg on the pill within 3 weeks of meeting oh, so how come its not working now? What are we going thats so wrong? Weve tried temping, pree seed, checking cp, taking magic medicine, opks grrrrr and also not thinking about it, so why the hell is nothing working, im starting to think i will never have any more kids and its driving me insane, im so fed up now it seems so unfair, i know there areloads of people on here who have been ttc for much longer but im sorry im fed up now :cry: I just wana give up, and theres 2 more months till i can go to thedocs but tbh they prob wont help as i dont have owt to take and prove weve been ttc this long :wall: God i hate this so much
Awww hun, to be honest I would try to stop putting so much pressure on yourself as that will be taking effect on you body.

When I fell preg with Arianna it was the 2nd month that I stopped thinking about it.... stopped stressing over every little niggle, stopped looking at the calender and pouncing on DH when it was "that dates"

I know it's hard but it will happen :hug:
for the last 2 months i havnt been thinking bout my dates or anything its just today its getting to me, just out of the blue, its mega strange, thankyou for your reply sarah :hug:
Where have you been janne, weve all been worried bout you,naughty :shakehead:
just read your 'moan'. totally empathise with you!
Have felt same over weekend!
hope you feeling more positive now you've got it off your chest.
excellent place to spout off, i find it really hard to talk to anyone in family and friends as they all have children and often don't 'get it'
hope your ok hun you know where i am if you need chat or anything sending hugs :hug: :hug:

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