Cameron is home.. with a few pics!


Well-Known Member
Mar 22, 2007
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Cameron is coming home!!

ive missed him so much i feel like ive had a arm chopped off!!

i got a postcard from him last week!

it just said, "dear mummy, daddy, bradley and bailey, having a nice time having lots of fun see you soon, all my love cameron"

aww and he even wrote his own name :cheer:
:wave: aww thats so sweet hun cant wait to see the lil chap :lol: cant imagine how much u've missed him x
Ah thats great hunny
At least he has been away while you been in hosptial

:hug: :hug: :hug:
I cant wait now, 24 hours and i get to see my boy again..

i hope my dad has took some pics so i can show you all :hug:
yay just waiting for thwe call now to say hes home.. then i go pick him up..
i really cant wait.. :dance:
Im not sure hun, i text my mum on friday asking if it would be early or late, but normally they get home round 11ish.. she will ring me when she home and i go up there..

more than likly be home now and getting settled bck in.. cos they no as soon as i get the call i'll be there!
:cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

he got home about an hour ago....

:cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

he looks so grown up, hes changed so much.... his speech is amazing..

he hasnt had a dum dum, or his boo boo for the duration of the holiday, hes all ready now for big school next term..

heres a few pics!

what a poser!

his freckles have all come out!

and heres all 3 of my children.. i love them all...

so pleased hes home... wahoo
he was julie, and i was.. until they started fighting lol.. but brothers will be brothers i suppose :roll:

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