Camera help!?


Well-Known Member
Jul 10, 2007
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Anyone know much about digital SLR's???

Is the Canon 1000D a good camera and is it one that I can buy different lenses for?

Don't take my word for anything as I always use for everything I want to know about cameras
I've got a Nikon D40X which I LOVE but Ruby's Mummy (zoe) has just got a new DSLR and I think she did a fair bit of research so she's probably the best person to ask!
I asked about cameras yesterday but am still clueless!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
LucyBee said:
I've got a Nikon D40X which I LOVE but Ruby's Mummy (zoe) has just got a new DSLR and I think she did a fair bit of research so she's probably the best person to ask!
I think Lorna (Daftscotslass) has one too!
I have a D40 as well and love it. The main thing that drew OH to it was the price, for a basic DSLR it's great. We couldn't really have afforded much more but if we could have we'd have gone for the D80. Battery life is absolutely fantastic.

Just had a wee look at the Which website for you and the Canon 1000D has been given 77% and a Best Buy award though the main con is the price. Most decent DSLRs you can change the lens on though lenses are around the same price as the camera body. Going to treat myself to a good macro lens when I can afford it.

If you want me to post some piccies from my D40 (basic lens) lemme know :)
I have a Canon EOS 400D it's been discontinued now, replaced by the 450D.
I love it, have had no probs with it at all. It sthe one my photographer mate recommended.

I almost got the Nikon 40D though, that's a really good one too :)

You can buy all the lenses etc for both, all canon lenses are compatible with canons etc. I'd love a new lens, maybe in the new year :)
i asked the same question a few weeks ago, we settled on a canon 30d, we love it, looked at the nikons, DH's has always had nikon film slrs, but we found we had a much greater choice of lens for the canons...more people make lenses to fit.

Its a bril camera, has a fully auto feature for me, and endless features for dh to play with, plus it fires 5 photos per second, which is perfect for photographing babies!
really handy thread girls.

I am looking to get into photography in the new year, when funds allow and am keen to make the step up to SLR from my normal compact digital camera.

This thread will be helpful.

Canons are fab! My OH loves his! And the lenses are so much cheaper.
You can take some fab pics, my OH is amazing at it!
canon 20d and got a couple of lenses coming my way for crimbo ;)

I LOVE IT millylilly was an absolute DARLING in helping me out finding one within my price range that was a good un :)
So would £289 be a good price for a Canon 1000D????

It's on offer at Tesco direct with £30 cash back too...

I'll have to find the link later and post it work at min
pilkers said:
So would £289 be a good price for a Canon 1000D????

It's on offer at Tesco direct with £30 cash back too...

I'll have to find the link later and post it work at min

yeah I think that a great price, its a great camera, almost identical to the 450D but cheaper. :)
I've got a Nikon D60 and it came with one lens and I have since bought 2 more. It's a brilliant camera and is currently on offer in most stores, including Argos.
Ive just ordered a Nikon D60 today from Amazon for £320, its due to arrive tomorrow. My dad has it & its a fab camera :D x

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