Bump pains is it normal


Well-Known Member
Mar 22, 2008
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For the last week and a half my bump has been absolubtley rock solid all the time, bubs is moving about and beating me up quite happily.

Today while walking to work i was stopped in my tracks several times with pain level with my belly button to the left hand side.

feeling like someone (an adult) not a tiny baby punched me in the stomach a kind of doubling over pain lasting a couple of seconds followed by a kind of constant ache then another puch a couple of minutes later.
I nearly turned home.

Im now at work and the puch pain seems to have gone but ive still got the ache.

Any advice??????????????
I dont have any advice hun but heres a :hug:
I have pains all through my belly all the time! Then LO kicks or punches and it really hurts! Its so tender all the time! Sometimes LO feels like she is just about to rip through my skin! I still have 8 weeks of her growing so Im sure at some point she will break though hahaha :lol:
I get a nasty pain just to the upper right of my belly button but have had it with all mine in one place or another some just assume its baby related.
I get that too when I have to walk anywhere it kinda feels like a kick then turns into a stitch usually in my left side.

I'm having an alien belly day today so no matter what position I sit/lay/stand in I have a lumpy bumpy :?

Sarah xxx

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