Bump/No bump... help!


Well-Known Member
Feb 27, 2007
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Hello everyone,

Im nearly 14 weeks pregnant and been having a more or less continuous bump, mainly due to fluid retention and bloating probably, but a definite thickening of my waistline none the less...

however, this morning I woke up with literally no bump and no bloating, very peculiar for me! Im just wondering if its normal, in my early stages to be experiencing a bump one day and no bump the next??

My sickness is wearing off nicely, but still have terrible aversion to chicken! yuck!!

Hopefully someone can shed some light on this situation for me?

Thank you in advance.
Angela xxx
Some days i think my bump it smaller than others. I think you are at the stage when your LO is begining to move higher up in your abdomen as it needs more room. but if you are worried try getting in touch with your mw
i don't think i started showin til i was about 20weeks pregnant but then i got really big quite quickly and from 6 months pregnant everyone was syin i looked lie i was due any day :shock: :shock: :shock:

i think your bump size depends on how much you've eaten that day :lol:
Funkylady said:
My sickness is wearing off nicely, but still have terrible aversion to chicken! yuck!!

ooh me too :puke: makes me gag just thinking about it!!

Some days I look pregnant, some days I don't, think most of it is bloat but I know I cannot get in my jeans for no love nor money!
nic & keeley said:
i don't think i started showin til i was about 20weeks pregnant but then i got really big quite quickly and from 6 months pregnant everyone was syin i looked lie i was due any day :shock: :shock: :shock:

Hun I was exactly the same! I didn't show at all until about 26 weeks and then suddenly I was HUGE. I looked liked I was going to drop anyday
I was excatly the same. I looked pregnant very early as i was holding alot of water. I would wake up in the morning and my bumb had gone, then as they day went on i would fill up with water and look pregnant again. I just have a huge bump now.
My bump seems to vary in size too. Keep having to adjust the button in my maternity trousers. I saw a friend yesterday who I had seen just a few days before , on the time I saw her a few days ago she said you sure look pregnant and then yesterday she said you look like you're having a Who ate all the pies day :lol: :lol: made me laugh though but was slightly embaressed as I had just been to the bakers for a pasty (yesterdays craving) :oops: .
my bump changes all the time i think its normal.
It's normal, baby is growing and you will get bigger but as he/she changes position your tummy will look bigger/smaller depending on where they are laying/sitting etc....plus you might find you look bigger in the evenings - don't fret it's normal you'll have a proper bump there 100% of the time in just a few weeks!! :D
My bump is definitely much bigger in the evenings although I've had a bump since about 1/12 weeks but cos I had extra padding before I got pg sometimes depending on what I'm wearing when I sit down I just look fat :oops:
Thank you for all your reassuring replies.

After only a few hours, my wee bump is back, not as big but might be because I had a nice healthy salad last night instead of something 'bloat making'! hehe!

Had my scan at 11 weeks rather than twelve so I think Im that extra bit paranoid! Can't wait for my 20 week scan, my first scan wasn't very easy to see as the wee one was facing down cuddled up, so hopefully my big scan wil be clearer.

Hope everyone is well and having a lovely Friday!

Angela & bump xx
Hi Angela

I've noticed even now my bump can be bigger some days than others. Water retention and what you eat can play a part I suppose. I prefer to eat "little and often" rather than a big meal now as I find it really uncomfortable otherwise.

Don't worry your 20 week scan will be along before you know it. This 2nd trimester passes really really quick!


Your bump does tend to be smaller other days then some.
I went off of chicken while pregnant with my daughter :)
Hi, can i join in maybe...

I got my bump very very early at only 9 weeks, not sure if its cos its my 3rd baby but now im like 7 months gone, im massice.. view tummy pics im bigger than most girls who are further on than me! and i still have 4 months to go, am i gonna pop litrally lol..
my belly moves around all the time =S sometimes my belly is flat others im proper out front.
hey hun, your still very really in your pregnancy.... when i was 14 weeks i had no bump and some day i did... and some time the bloating was there too... i started to show about 16 weeks i think :think:

anyway if your slim you might not show for some time....

don't worry... enjoy your freedom to move around :wink:

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