Bump early if you have had mc?


Well-Known Member
Jan 5, 2014
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Hi not sure if I'm posting in right place but I'm nearly 10 weeks pregnant and have had 2 miscarriages.
The first was MMC and I had d and c at 10 weeks but vaby had stopped developing at 6-7. It was noted that my uterus had still grown significantly and you could see on the scan too.
My second was a natural mc at 6-7 weeks.

I know if you have been pregnant before your bump shows sooner but I'm assuming that's due to stretching to full term?!
I feel I'm getting a bump now and wondered if it was because I was pregnant before.
It could be bloating and gas but it really isn't budging! X
Hi I'm not sure on your question as I am only 4 weeks myself but would be interested to find out. I mmc at 5 weeks in October but carried to 13. I had a little bump and doc could feel uterus when I had first exam for bleeding. Also on the ultrasound the sac was obvious despite the baby only measuring 5 weeks.

All the best with this pregnancy hope it goes well for you x
This is interesting....I had a mmc at nearly 9 weeks...and feel pregnant straight away. I have a large bump for 21 weeks...keep adding a few weeks when strangers ask how far gone...
I would be interested in this for when I do get preg again. I had mc at 14 weeks and did have a little bump, so have always wondered whether it would mean I would show faster next preg. xxx
I have two children (11&9) and then 7 mc's and then lost our dd in December when I was 6 months! Now I'm 5 weeks pregnant today and I swear I look about 12 weeks! I know women can't wait for a bump but my belly has ballooned since I was 4 weeks! This seems crazy I know as I'm 5 weeks but I think it's a lot to do with bloating and the fact we can't do our normal exercise etc or it is in my case!! I know they say the more pregnancies you have the quicker you show n all that .....with my first (now 11) I was literally like the back end of a bus, my belly was HUGE and with my second I was tiny till closer to end them my belly just came from no where! X
I'm not skinny by far but my tummy was flat ISH! (Sorry for the black but there is pics of my kids in background xx

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