

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2006
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i was laid on the sofa tonight and i felt like a bubbly sensation could that of bean my bubba ??? iam 17 weeks and 2 days as my first baby wouldnt really know what it feels like or is it to early to feel bubba yet
I felt mine kind of around the same time it was more like fluttering to me but it probs was ur baby :)
does sound like first feelings of movements... how exciting..

its an amazing feeling :hug:
Sounds like baby moving around to me hun thats how mine started out, you'll get the popping next, which I've just had this the last week and a bit, I imagine its JJ moving around and catching me with an elbow or a foot - bless!!

Yay - you felt the baby!! :cheer:
Awww, thats great, first movements, bet you settle down now,it's much better when you can feel baba even if only once a day at the start.

Oooh, i'm getting sooo jealous! cannot wait until i start feeling them move.....hopefully not long now
twinmummy2be said:
Oooh, i'm getting sooo jealous! cannot wait until i start feeling them move.....hopefully not long now

:D by the end of it you will feel so much!

Towards late pg I could see my tummy change in shape aas they both moved at the same time.. I used to call them swampies as my tummy resembled a boggling swamp! :rotfl:
i loved it when my other babies started kicking, this one started kicking a few weeks ago
i still get the bubbly movememts now as well as the bigger kicks, great feeling :dance:
Felt baby move properly for the first time today - and its definatly bubbles!!! :D

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