

Well-Known Member
May 20, 2006
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Why is it they have to ring over and over again trying to sell you something!!! God sales people on the phone do my head in!!!!! today i have had 2 people from BT trying to sell me their products, wouldnt be to bad if it had just been once, but twice in the same day, and why is it always around lunch or tea time :x :x :x
and why are they always non english speaking people (me being polite) I can never understand them!!!

rarr rant over - sorry to moan in ur post
ah hun tell them to bugger off you've got better things to do than talk to them muppets :rotfl:
Tori said:
and why are they always non english speaking people (me being polite) I can never understand them!!!

rarr rant over - sorry to moan in ur post

my dad gets so annoyed lol, he was movin to barton upon humber o a village called bombey he was changing his phone details and this foreign lady kept saying "woooooooooooooo mr.anderson bombay bombay woooooooooooooooooooooo" i was crying laughing as he was saying "NO Bombey" hehad her on loud speaker and she kept saying "oooooooooooooooooooooo bombay mr.anderson very very nice woooooooooooo" :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
i used to work in market research. and got alot of rude responses from some people.

there must have been a mix up, as usually if they phone, they put a note saying not interested or whatever.

when someone was rude to us at the office, we would put a call back reminder on it with a note saying rude to caller.

once the manager called someone straight back saying it wasnt nice to speak to someone the way he did ect. he ended up getting the servey too :lol:

just tell these people you arent interested in what they are offering.

i used to feel really bad about calling during dinner times/later in the evening.
im never rude but when i was a supervisor at a bar i was forever getting calls from bt and they wud always say the same thing sometimes they would ring so many times a day and id tell them everytime they'd called me about 4 times and they never did anything about it, you can see why people get annoyed though cant you!!!!!!!
oh deffinately. some of these callers from abroad really annoy me. they just wont get it.

could you not ring up bt and tell them you dont want any promotional calls from them?
I keep getting people phoning offering me 7 Disney books on loan and at the end I can keep them and pay for them and get 2 free!!
Everytime they call I try to butt in to explain I'm not interested and they ask me to 'allow them to finish'!! Cheaky *******s!!

I love the ones who sound totally shocked on the other end of the phone when you turn their offer down as if it was too good to say No!! :rotfl:
Yeah right!!
We got sick of sales calls, we were getting sooooo many, usually from India trying to sell us mobile phones!

We are now on the TPS scheme (Telephone Preference Service) and we get no more sales calls from anyone wooohooo!!!!

More info here, bascially signing up to this sceme makes it illegal for any company to call you unless they already have business with you
I heard there is a similar thing that can be done for post spam through Royal Mail but haven't been able to find any details on it.
we signedup but we still get the odd few. but when you say u signed up for it and demand to know how they got our number, they hang up!

OH plays along then changes his mind at the last min, its quite funny :twisted:

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