Bronchiolitis :-(


Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2007
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Posted other day re JT being poorly :( well he was worse this morning with his breathing so I took him back to doctors and she's diagnosed him with bronchiolitis, she's bit concerned as he's now gone off his food so she's asked me to keep an eye on him over next couple of hours and she thinks if it gets any worse we have to get him admitted to hospital this afternoon :cry:

OH has come home from work today which I'm relieved about. Am so worried about my precious little baby :cry:

Does anyone know if you baby is admitted and stays in overnight can I stay with him? I don't want to leave him :?
hi hun my daughter has had this twice and both times has needed hospital treatment, they are brill once they get the right treatment hun and soon pick up, hope your lo gets better before that stage but please try not to worry
Thanks for that Mary.. were you allowed to stay in over night with your daughter?

I mean obviously I hope it doesn't get that far and he wont even go into hospital but I'm bit worried about that part if he is admitted :(
Dan had it at 2 weeks old, baring in mind he was 4 weeks prem, it hit him really hard.
He was in hosptial for a week and I was allowed to stay with him. At Stoke Mandeville you can both stay but only one of you can sleep on the bed at once. ... hp?t=25713 ... hp?t=26061

Try not to be too worried hun, I know that easier said then done :hug: But if he really is porrly hospital is the best place for him. They can't give him anything for it but they can help with his breathing and monitor him :hug:
good luck, keep us posted :hug: :hug:
hope he's better soon.

Whenever my little ones were ill I was able to stay with them but I imagine it depends on the hospital policy.

Lola was taken into hospital after she had her first injections and i was aloud to stay with her over night.

Hope JT is better soon :hug: :hug:
Hello all.. just got back from Hospital now, they've done loadsa checks and now he's feeding ok they've let us out and just said to go back if he gets any worse. He's still poorly but least he doesn't have to be admitted :hug:
So sorry he's not well.
Tom has had it twice now. The second time was last week and he was admitted to hopsital on Monday night with very bad wheezing and rapid breathing. It was very worrying. He was off his food too. The hospital let me stay on a campbed next to his cot and my OH slept in a bed in the parents room which was just off the children's ward.
To be honest, I was quite relieved they kept him in as it meant they were keeping a close eye on him and I was going crazy with worry at home.
Apparently bronchiolitis peaks on days 4/5 so he should get better from there on in.
Get well soon little chap!
yes the doc said it peaked so I am :pray: he is over the worst now. Glad Tom is out of hospital and feeling better :hug:

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