Asher has Bronchiolitis. Can I have encouraging stories?


Well-Known Member
Oct 3, 2006
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Hi all,

since last week he's been coughing more than usual and then friday night he had 20 mins of non stop coughing and puking! I've never seen so much come out of a little baby!

He's continued to get worse. We took him to the emergency doctor on sunday who diagnosed bronchiolitis. But said, oh he's a big baby he should work through it by himself. We'll after 3 consecutive mornings of puking and coughing almost to the point of fitting I finally saw a doctor today who phoned the hospital for a peadiatrician's opinion. He's to go in and see the gp every day now and if he's worse tomorrow they may admit him.

It sooo worrying as he's wheezing badly and feeding less, but still smiling, bless him!

Saw a crappy gp on monday who said his chest was clear (clear, my arse!). Thank god I went back today and insited on him being seen.

When do babies start getting better? It's been about 5 days now and it's just getting worse!

Hi KJ,
Sorry Asher is so unwell.
Tom has had bronchiolitis and was admitted to hospital overnight with it.
It was really distressing to see him struggling for breathe although he was never sick.
He was given nebulisers every 2 hours which didn't make any difference at all. In the end, he responded to Ventolin syrup and got better quickly. I think they're supposed to peak around days 3/4 so he should get well soon.
If you're at all worried tonight, take him to A&E and get the paediatricians there to check him over.
Sorry to hear this.

On the flipside to LB's story about poor little Tom, Stanley was diagnosed on Christmas Eve.

He was sent home with 3 days steroid tablets. We had a couple of sleepless nights and it got worse before improving as we were told it would, but he was back to his usual self well before New Year.

Just keep an eye, and I hope he gets well soon xxxx
Hannah has had it twice hun and needed hosptal for a few hours the first time but they gave her an inhaler and she picked up really quicky, i know it is frightening but they do bounce back hun :hug:
Dan had it when he was just over a week old but as he was 4 weeks prem it hit him really hard. He ended up in hospital for a week as he was blue around the mouth and was having real trouble breathing. He was put on a drip and given oxygen but nothing to actually fight the infection as they can't give antibiotics or anything. He was worst the first night in hospital (about day 4 of illness) but really picked up after that. It's a really horrible illness hun, your poor baby :hug: He did get better quite quickly though and he was at the bad end of the scale, hope that is reassuring :hug:
I totally agree with lucy though if you are worried hun take him down A&E. They will check his stats (heartrate and oxygen levels) and give you a real idea of what is going on.
Hope he gets better soon :hug:
ah hun, have just seen this. How is he doing now? Hope he is getting better :hug: :hug:
thanks for the replies.

Hi Nikkif - he's just as wheezy today as yesterday but has been feeding better so I hope that means he's on the mend.

We saw the GP at lunchtime and she said his breathing rate is up on yesterday (not so good), but the wheeze is just at the front now instead of front and back (good).

So all in all, I think he's over the worst. Just praying tomorrow brings a more obvious change.

He's been sooo smily and talkative all day though. He's such a happy little boy!

Thanks for checking up.

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