Bringing up baby


Well-Known Member
May 30, 2007
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I know there's a thread on this in Tri 2, but thought i'd start one here.

Anyone watch? What did you think?
I like the idea of routine and baby sleeping in its cot straight away...but outside on its own for hours...omg :shock: EXTREME.
I think a combination of all 3, cos those sling things were cool too...
:wave: :wave:
I saw it too and I agree. It would be great to get in to a routine so soon but I know I could not sit downstairs for 2 1/2 hours listening to a two day old baby cry. As for leaving the baby outside, why not just walk with the baby. They're still getting some fresh air. I think that woman was just a control freak.

Sling was a great idea but knowing me, I'd forget it was there and shut it in the fridge door or something stupid.

I think the doctor spock method appealed most, midway between the two extremes. I tried to breastfeed and spent a whole night with a little midwife who told me 'everyone can breastfeed!!' to no avail. Tim was just a lazy baby and wouldn't latch on. In the end the midwife gave up and said she'd never known a baby like it. I nearly punched her!!

So I will be watching closely and end up doing it my own way anyway. Trust your instincts ....never fails!!

Sorry I waffled on !!
aww, I missed that. Is it repeated?

I just fed James on demand and followed his lead for the first year or so. I don't think I could leave a baby crying, they cry for a reason. I think with this one too, I'll wait until it's a toddler before trying to be strict about setting down rules.
muppetmummy said:
aww, I missed that. Is it repeated?

I just fed James on demand and followed his lead for the first year or so. I don't think I could leave a baby crying, they cry for a reason. I think with this one too, I'll wait until it's a toddler before trying to be strict about setting down rules.

was on Ch 4 so will prob be on E4 or ch4 again over the weekend. its a series so will also be the next episode next week x
Yeah I agree, i want to give baby love attention and cuddles but still have a routine, because it would be nice to have some sleep, and I do think babies like a routine, i know working in a school that kids do. But leaving the baby crying for that long, and sticking it outside and shutting the door on it....hmmmm :wall:
Not sure about the keeping the baby in arms till 6 months...could cause serious back ache!!! :think:
After a few weeks James fell into a routine naturally. I'd know roughly how many hours he'd go between feeds and he's wake up at roughly the same times during the nights, but he made the decision about how often he wanted feeding, it wasn't forced on him. He was sleeping through the night by 3 months I think
we watched that! We were both appalled by the strict routine, but both loved the tribal baby sling idea. My OH rang his mum to find out how he had been raised, and she said 70% tribal because she tied him up under her sari where he could feed whenever he wanted. My OH is the most cheerful, laid-back, no-issues person I have ever met, so we think thats the way to go! I was planning to demand-feed and get a body-baby-carrier thing anyway so its just confirmed it for us.
I thought the fact they were all so "all or nothing" with their methods was well dodgy! I think it's best (like some of you have said) to take the best bits from each method and create something that works for you and your baby.

I loved the idea of the sling, but am unlikely to be able to breastfeed (had a reduction) - doesn't mean I can rule out the principles of the sling though.

That woman was scary.
I wish I'd seen it, sounds great. Do you think it will be on again?
Hello Everyone.

I am fairly new to this forum but some of these shows really piss me of. Sorry about the language.

I have 4 beautiful daughters and everyone of them were different as babies. I think the most important thing is that the mum and the baby are both happy and relaxed.

For example, I breast fed 2 of my children but the other two were on a bottle. Now I was happy to breast feed all of them but two of the girls just were not interested.

The same goes for sleep patterns. I really do believe in routines but only to a certain degree. The main thing is to do what you are comfortable with and what keeps you and your baby happy.
I just downloaded it from the channel 4 website. Very interesting programme, but that 1950's woman really wound me up! :x
I don't know why that couple she was working with bothered having another baby if they aren't gonna spend any time with it and want to sit around of an evening drinking wine.
Who cares if they're not in a routine straight away, they grow up too quickly anyway, make the most of every moment while you can.
James is already really independent and tells me to leave him alone when I try and fuss over him, get the cuddles while you can! :x
ooh, i agree about that 50's woman :evil: I hated her. I kept shouting at the TV. Other half had to tell me to shut up.

It was when she said not to touch the baby or give it any attention in between feed?!?!?! WHATS THE POINT of having a lovely new baby if your gonna ignore it?? The silly mare. And, leaving the baby in the cot from 7pm until 7am and not seeing to it when it cries in the night?!?! Whats that all about? I was shouting "it could have had a poo! It might have thrown up on itself!! It might have trapped wind!!" That bit made me soooo angry :x

The 70's one was a bit too far the other side for me too. I dont think id be too chuffed with having the baby on my 24/7 and id be too worried to ket it sleep in my bed.
I like the 60's method best i think. I didnt use any parenting books or methods with my first, and i think me and my hubby did a great job! Trust yer instincs, i say.
So same time next week girls for a rant about the next episode??? :dance:
Something tells me its gonna get better and better, i can't wait to see which one - so say 'works'. hee hee :cheer:
Tune in next week to channel 4s bringing up baby...

Family shoot 50's baby mentor!

:cheer: :twisted:

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