Bringing up a baby in a 1 bed house


Well-Known Member
Mar 18, 2008
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Hi All,

Me again! :oops:

I was just wondering whether any of you mums out there had to bring your LO up in a 1 bed. Ive decided to stay put until the economy is a little more secure. My main concern is whether i will have a nightmare getting the baby to sleep in his/her own room later on. Im thinking of staying here for around 6 months to a year. Space will be incredibly tight but i figured it was better to be slightly better financially.

Claire x
Well I had a two bed flat when I had my first BUT I still lived there when I had my 3rd!
My two sons were in the other bedroom so there was no room for Lucy to go except to stay in our room! We finally moved when she was 14 months old! It was fine! Bit of a squeeze with the cot in our room (room want massive to begin with) but apart from that everything was ok! When we did move we put her in her own room and she was fine right from the start! I know others may not be that way but even still, Im sure you babs will be fine!! :hug: :hug:
i was living with my mum up untill my 2nd was 5 months, and me and my 2 girls were in the same room and when i moved i had a few nights where they would not sleep by themselfs in the room but after a few days they settled
Don't forget that its advised to have baby sleep in the same room as you for the first 6 months anyways. And many keep their babies in with them for longer either cosleeping or in their cot. So in that respect you would notice no difference even if you had the extra bedroom.

I think the main thing to consider (unless you co sleep then it could be harder to transition) is that once LO is past those early weeks and starting to go to bed at a regular time and sleep through that you make sure they go to bed and are asleep before you go to bed.

That way then if and when you move they won't find it so hard to go off to sleep if they can settle and go off without you around in the room. Also if you stay there they are settled as they get older and so you have some you time once they are asleep.

Our LO is still in with us and since 6 weeks old and goes off to sleep without any fuss. And we come up to bed later. Makes it a lot easier having him go to bed before us. He doesn't know any different so hopefully as he gets older we won't have problems with him going to bed. We have a second bedroom but he will be in with us for a few more months at least.
I would think so long as you get baby used to be put down and left in a different room to you as in if you are in the living room put baby in the bedroom etc there is no reason why it would object to you being in a different room to sleep later on.
Oh i mean for sleeping not just for the sake of it :wink:
I have the same problem as we cant get a mortgage as we dont earn enough. We are currently in a 1 bed flat on the second floor and its very small. We cant even get LO's cot in our room so he has to live in the living room. It's not very good really as you have to go through the living room to get to the kitchen. Which means that its out of bounds for us at night! Its also a nightmare going out and about as we have to get the pushchair up and down flights of stairs. I don't think it will be so much a problem for you as you have a bit more space with it being a house. In the olden days they used to have generations and generations living under one roof so I'm sure we can manage with two generations!! lol :)
soverign said:
In the olden days they used to have generations and generations living under one roof so I'm sure we can manage with two generations!! lol :)

Thats so true.. back in the olden days people wouldn't think twice about it. I saw such a nice 2 bed house on rightmove but am determined to stay put and not stretch myself until i know we can cope.

Thanks for your replies!

Claire x
We're still in 1bed accom and I can honestly say its a nightmare regards sleeping at the moment, but whilst we only had Isaac, and up until he was about 9, 10months old it wasn't a problem, both when he was co-sleeping, and when he went in his cot at night. As for space, yes its going to be tight, but that's mainly because baby stuff is so big :lol: the walker, playmat, high chair, bumbo etc etc and then there's the toys and the oodles of clothes :lol: BUT a 1bed place will be fine for the first 6months I've no doubt, I'd wait and re-evaluate then, I think that's a good idea, and very best wishes :hug: :hug: :hug:
We're managing in a no bedroom apartment at the moment, although are about to start looking for a bigger place. At least with a one bed you can close the door at night to reduce noise/light - you should be fine for at least the first 6 months or so.

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