

Well-Known Member
Jun 9, 2008
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Anyone find that every so often they are getting shortness of breath? Some evenings I get this ad it drives me nuts.

Last night I was lying on my side, and it was like my heart was beating on my lungs because my breathing was coming in and out in beats.... Or what appeared like beats.
Yeah I had this for quite a few weeks. Although, it has stopped recently. I think my bump has dropped, so it's likely he isn't leaning on my lungs!

Are you carrying high atm?
Yeah I had this for quite a few weeks. Although, it has stopped recently. I think my bump has dropped, so it's likely he isn't leaning on my lungs!

Are you carrying high atm?

Never been high up, my bump is really low an has always been low. The feet are right under my ribs so it might be those. The baby is lying back to back at the mo, so maybe the bum is pressing on stuff.
Yeah I had this for quite a few weeks. Although, it has stopped recently. I think my bump has dropped, so it's likely he isn't leaning on my lungs!

Are you carrying high atm?

Never been high up, my bump is really low an has always been low. The feet are right under my ribs so it might be those. The baby is lying back to back at the mo, so maybe the bum is pressing on stuff.

I get this too & baby is lying the same way. Usually every night when I first get into bed I feel like my heart is racing and it takes a while to calm it down.
Yup. Its frustrating as I have to stop what I'm doing n sit down. It's not too bad now as bump has dropped a Lil but if I lay or roll over on my back I notice it then.

Now I just have a foot or two near my rib :/
You sure it's not palpitations? I get them alot and they can do that, they are nothing to worry about just your heart beats really hard/fast even when your just sitting doing nothing and you feel a bit short of breathe x
You sure it's not palpitations? I get them alot and they can do that, they are nothing to worry about just your heart beats really hard/fast even when your just sitting doing nothing and you feel a bit short of breathe x

Good point cos when I went to see the doc about panic attacks and told her my heart just races etc she listened to my heartbeat and said it was actually normal and that it's just that I can hear it pump.
Yeah I had this for quite a few weeks. Although, it has stopped recently. I think my bump has dropped, so it's likely he isn't leaning on my lungs!

Are you carrying high atm?

Never been high up, my bump is really low an has always been low. The feet are right under my ribs so it might be those. The baby is lying back to back at the mo, so maybe the bum is pressing on stuff.

I get this too & baby is lying the same way. Usually every night when I first get into bed I feel like my heart is racing and it takes a while to calm it down.

I get this if I lie on my left, if I turn to the right it knackers me out but is far more comfy once Ive stoopped gasping!!

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