

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2010
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Just wondering if you are breastfeeding do you need to continue breastfeeding and only give the baby breast milk or can you have a little change and give them some normal milk one day?
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If your gunna breastfeed i would just stick to that, express your milk so u can have a day off from time to time x
If you miss a feed your body will think that feed is not needed and won't re produce that feed again for the next day it's a supply and demand process and takes 48 hrs for your body to catch up and produce more soooo I would just stick to breastfeeding or pump that feed so your body thinks it's still feeding that way u can store the milk up to use if u go out x

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If you breastfeed I reckon you should exclusively breastfeed :)
i wasnt really sure about that im still not sure wheter i want to breastfeed or not think i will wait and see nearer the time and then decide
Hiya, I breastfed my 3rd son for 14 months and it was fantastic. With my 2nd son, I had the formula there ready and was easily tempted to use it. Once I used it a couple of times to have a break and could not seem to get back on track breastfeeding. It became really frustrating and ended up giving up :( The last time worked better as I expressed my own milk so I could have a break and had no worries at all.
I love BFding, no bottles to make up/sterilise, no expensive formula to buy - I FF Rosie after my milk disappeared from 4 months so I know both sides of the fence :) Having it 'on tap' is the best part! :)
I would defiantly agree 100% on tap breast milk is defiantly fantastic better then going downstairs at 1 3 5 and 8 in the morning for a bottle only to find there is none made up left at 5 lol washing and sterilising 5am
Woot woot!! :rotfl:

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I tried to combine, but my milk supply reduced too much that I am now formula feeding, so I agree, if you are going to do it, do it exclusively. With bottle feeding, you keep on top of the sterilising, it's not too bad, I also bought the tommee tippee flask which keeps the water boiling so you can make up fresh feeds in the night without having to go downstairs and boil the kettle, it's so handy! Hope you find something that works for you xxx
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If you can breast feed exclusively its sooo much easier. My boy has some feeding problems, and combined with that my milk took ages to come in when we were in hospital (I think because all the nurses were feeding him and I wasnt allowed to even bottle feed him myself) so despite trying loads we went home with a bottle fed formula baby.

Ive been trying still with the breast feeding and made some progress with nipple shield, but my milk supply really started to slow down over the last week. Im not using the breast pump like a nutter and taking fenugreek supplements to buy us more time. In short, its not easy combination feeding and its certainly not a situation I would choose to be in, there is no conveniece you end up with the worst of both world, having to sterilise, spend on formula, prepare feeds etc.. use the breast pump 6 times a day and provide lots of opportunities for BFing, there is no time for anything else! Its bloomin hard work. At the moment I have no idea why someone who could breastfeed wouldnt, I cant wait for the day I can put the bottles away! And in the night I imagine it must be so nice to just cosy up on a chair and breast feed, instead of going down to the kitchen in the cold to prepare a feed.
Definitely just breast feed, as Tiny says it's not easy to combine the two - I feel for you Tiny!

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