Breastfeeding - weaning


Well-Known Member
May 14, 2006
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I'm hoping someone here who has breast fed may be able to give a bit of advice. My lo is still enjoying breastfeeding, and as much as I don't mind, it is really tiring now as he seems to want me for comfort constantly! I guess it is a security thing but he feeds several times a day and once during the night. This is as well as lots of solid foods.He can be quite aggressive with it too, and gets angry if I try to discourage him.I don't want to be feeding him for alot longer. This is very tiring for me.

Can anybody suggest how I might reduce the feeding so I can get my body back and feel happier?
im not sure i can give good advice really but i just stopped BFing 13 days ago, after 8 months. i was only BFing 2 or 3 times in 24 hours (all evening/nite) anyway and like u said it seemed to be more for comfort or habit, dont think she was taking much. one of my reasons for stopping was that she had started to pull at my top and i didnt want her to get old enough to understand so she might throw a tantrum about stopping! but i just stopped completely, iv been told i shouldnt really hav done it like that tho. altho iv found it difficult (suprisingly emotional! and still leaking nearly 2 weeks on :( ) she isnt bothered by the change at all, shes quite happy with bottles of formula instead, and just dummy at nite. but shes a bit younger so its probably quite different sorry couldnt be of more help!
I am still BF but just once a night before bed. At just under 1yr Ellie dropped most the daytime feeds on her own. I encouraged her to drop the last 2 (first thing in the morning and just after nursery) but giving her her breakfast and cows milk straight away as soon as I got her up, and by offering her a biscuit and milk after nursery. By doing this she then refused the breast when offered. I have no ideas about how to drop this last one, I am giving her cows milk in a beaker at the same time and hoping she will switch over on her own but she is quite determined that she wants a BF before bed at the moment.
I never knew just how hard it would be to reverse it, the focus is always on starting breastfeeding and not ending it lol! At the moment, LO is teething and is on and off the breast all day long - just for comfort. I don't think I will be able to wean him off completely with nobody else at home to help in distracting him.

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