Breastfeeding Support Thread


Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2005
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Hi. Following the breastfeeding thread it was thought that it would be a good idea to have a thread for new mums to ask any questions they may have about breastfeeding or to get support, especially in those tough first weeks. Also any pregnant ladies who have any queries about breastfeeding, this is the place to ask. Any advice from other mums is needed so if you can help please do.
:clap: Well done Beanie :D

I'll help you ladies and will try not to scare you off! :D
I guess I'll go first then!

I'm not sure if I need support or advice or what but....

Brody STILL wants solids lots more than he wants my milk. He'll only have boob maybe 3 times in a day (not including the many night feeds) each time for only about 5 mins, 10 at the most.
Today he's not wanted boob at all, he's due to have his one bottle of formula in about an hour, I know he'll probably finish it in 2 mins flat.

I don't know if he's just giving me signs saying he's ready to give up the breast. I try and feed him and he just arches his back and pulls away, he too interested in everything else. Today, as usual I've had to try to feed him lying on the bed upstairs, but even this hasn't suited him, he's hardly fed at all.

My question is, how long do you all plan on breastfeeding for? I fed Mason exclusively till he was about 6-7 months, only giving up cos he was a big baby and I just wasn't filling him up.

Is Brody telling me he just wants formula now? (as it's much less effort for him I think, and he can see what's going on while feeding.)
Ella takes her EBM really well at night, she finishes it really fast (sounds like Brody with his bottles). She goes on turbo feed mode.

I plan to feed for at least a year - but will have to see how it goes. This 5 months has taken a long time to get to and there has been a lot of ups and downs.

If you feel like giving up, why don't you just give him the morning and evening feed off of the boob? A lot of bf mums that I read about on different forums seem to do that.
I definitley don't want to totally give up yet (he wakes too much in the night for that LOL)
I guess I'm just worried that if I give him another bottle of formula in the day, it's the "beginning of the end"
great idea to have it all together.
ewan still wakes in the night for a feed at 9 months, i've just stopped breastfeeding, i gradually introduced a bottle in the evening, then bottles only during the day and bf from me am + pm, then me just am, and now he is totally bottle fed - bit if a faff but he gets good feeds, wish he would sleep through!

the first month is the hardest with bf'ing - if you can get thriugh that you can get through any thing!
I breastfed exclusively for 6 months; no solids until then. Also baby never had a bottle at all, going straight onto a beaker cup. I breast fed for 5 years. :lol: Child didn't want to give it up and I wasn't in a hurry either, but it was more for comfort or when tired when the breast was needed. Also as child grew up, I only breast fed in the home and then just at night until we stopped altogether.

I agree with the earlier post. The first month (6-8 weeks in my case) was the hardest but then we benefited enormously.

Kind Regards
Hiya Rosie
I have been thinking about this. Maybe I should, I guess I'm just not sure if I should BF just at night and the first morning feed and give him formula the rest of the time. I know in my head there's nothing wrong with doing this, and my milk won't all dry up in a few days, but I enjoy feeding him, and am worried this will be "it" for my BF

I think you lot are all amazing to carry on BF for a year, I can't see myself making it that far and I kind of feel bad about it. I KNOW, I KNOW it's not a competition, and I know you're all going to say what I would, and have said a hundred times before and that's "you've done really well to get this far"
The way he only feed for 2 minutes in the day though, at least with formula I will be able to see what he's getting, maybe he'll put on a little weight.
Ella bit me twice today (remember she has 2 teeth now!) - if she carries on doing that every day then I probably wont make it to a year!

I'd give expressing a go, then you've got the bonus of being able to see how many oz he is taking. It could be that he's got a bit 'lazy' (not being nasty!) and is used to just sucking the formula out and because he has to work for the milk from the breast that's why he isn't so keen on giving it a go :? Or he could just be really efficient at feeding from the breast now and doesn't need a long feed :)
Urchin, is Brody not putting weight on? Seren's weight gain is slow, she had dropped a centile last time I had her weighed about a month ago but she is happy and alert so I'm not worried about that. Brody seems very active and content too. Not sure if this link will help at all??
Thanks Beanie that link was useful :)

I thnk I should stop thinking about the amount of time he spends feeding and concentrate on the facts. He hardly drinks from a cup but still has plenty of wet nappies. He is gaining weight, he seems content after a feed.

After reading that link Beanie I found another good one too which I thought was very useful, so I'm pasting it here for future reference:


Your baby is probably getting enough to eat if you can answer yes to all of the following questions. .

Your Baby's Urine and Stools
The evidence in your baby's diapers is the most important sign of his or her adequate milk intake.
* Does your baby have the number, color, and size of stools described in the Table below, at the appropriate ages?
Your baby should be having regular bowel movements in a quantity of at least 1 tablespoon (1/2 ounce) or more. After the first few days, they should be yellow and loose, with small curds. They may smell and look like yogurt, or like a mix of cottage cheese and mustard. If a baby over five days old is passing dark stools or fewer than those listed in the table, this is a sharp warning that she is probably not getting enough nourishment.

1 to 2 1 to 2 blackish, tarry
3 to 4 3 to 4 brownish-blackish
4 to 6 4 to 6 brownish-yellowish
6 to 30 8 to 10 yellowish
(normally 1 after
each feeding)
30 and later may be infrequent yellow
(up to 10-14 days
without a stool)

* By the third or fourth day, does your baby have six or more wet diapers per day, with colorless or very pale urine?
Since today's disposable diapers are so absorbent that they don't feel wet, you can check for urination by putting a piece of toilet tissue inside the diaper and then feeling that. Or pinch the bottom of the diaper; if the padding does not spring back to its original shape, the diaper is wet. Also, if it's wet it will feel heavy. Or you could use cloth diapers for the first few weeks. (You could let it be known that diaper service would be a wonderful baby present.)

Your Baby's Appearance and Behavior
* Does your baby seem satisfied and content for an average of 2 to 3 hours between feedings in the first month or two?
* In the first month or two, does your baby nurse 8 to 12 times in every 24-hour period, for 10 to 20 minutes on each breast?
* After 3 days of age, when you open your baby's mouth during a nursing session, can you see milk inside and is the inside of your baby's mouth pink and moist?
* Is your baby's skin soft and supple?
* Does your baby have bright eyes and an alert manner?
* By the third month is your baby nursing 6 to 8 times in a 24-hour period and seem contented for up to 5 or 6 hours, at least once during the 24 hours?

Your Baby's Weight
* At your baby's first doctor's visit, was her initial weight loss less than 7 percent of birth weight? (Breastfed babies should normally have an office visit within 24 to 48 hours after early hospital discharge, then at 7 to 10 days of age, again at 3 weeks, and again at 6 weeks.)
* Did your baby regain birth weight by two weeks of age?
* Is your baby gaining an average of from 4 to 6 ounces a week (about 1/2 ounce a day) in the first month?

Your Nursing Experience
* Can you hear swallowing sounds when your baby is at the breast, in a ratio of 1 or 2 sucks per swallow for the first five or ten minutes of nursing?
* Do your breasts feel fuller before a feeding and softer afterwards?
* When you nurse from one breast, does milk drip from the nipple of your other breast? Can you feel the tingling of a let-down reflex as you begin to nurse? The presence of either of these signs affirms that your milk is flowing, but their absence does not mean that it is not.

NOTE: Do not test for hunger by offering your baby a bottle after a nursing. Many infants have such a strong urge to suck that they'll often take milk from a bottle even when they are not hungry. (Doing this may sabotage the course of breastfeeding, since some babies enjoy the ease of getting milk from a bottle and are less motivated to work a little harder at the breast. Furthermore, offering a bottle too soon can cause temporary nipple confusion, which you may need professional help to reverse.)
Need advice. My boob is really hurting. I have had thrush, blocked ducts and mastitis and its not any of those pains. It hurts when I press on it but when feeding it rally hurts, it feels like I have a strong suction pump attached to me and it is really pulling. Seren's latch hasn't changed and I'm not doing anyhting different. Can't see anything wrong and don't really want to go to Drs as they are not the best with breastfeeding. Am sick of this...wish breastfeeding would just go straightforward for me for once. Sorry feeling sorry for myself
Just seen this :( How is it today? I know you're training to be a bf counsellor but is it worth speaking to one?
Its worse. I haven't been able to feed from that side. Am going to try and see Dr tomorrow but he has told me to stop bfing before so not sure how much help I will get. I know this probably sound really stupid but am scared I will have to stop.
Your doctor sounds crap - I'm sure you wont have to give up feeding. Have you checked out Kelly mom for any ideas? Could it be a blocked duct in a different place than you had before?

to you both.
Thanks hun, the hugs are needed. Have just looked on Kellysmum, it sounds like thrush but I haven't seen any sign on Seren. However she had thrush on her bottom a couple of weeks ago so perhaps it has travelled???
Oooh sounds like it :(

Good luck at the docs today, don't let him fob you off!! Let us know how it goes

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