Breastfeeding but want some freedom?


Well-Known Member
Jul 26, 2006
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Hi Ladies
Ive been breastfeeding successfully for 11 weeks now and ive been really happy with it and Elliott hasnt been a problem but I cant help feeling that id like a bit of freedom, is that selfish? :?
Im contemplating doing breast and formula and wondering if anyone can offer some advice on how and if its works? :think:
He feeds generally every 4 hours and goes from about 10.30pm to 5am through the night. I know breast is best but ive been feeling pretty worn down the last few weeks and feel like everything is getting on top of me :(
thanks xx
Have you tried expressing? Austin always has one bottle of EBM (expressed breast milk) a day, or 3 a day if I'm working. It's nice for me because I get a break and nice for his dad because he gets to give him a bottle.

I started expressing when he was about 3 weeks old. In the early months OH used to get up once a night with a bottle too but now Austin's sleeping better at night it's just easier for me to get up.
Well done for getting to 11 weeks with no probs, that's fab! I can definately sympathise with how you feel, it's hard feeling like a milking machine. I echo the idea of expressing, it can be a good way to help when you're feeling a bit blah. Also what's nice is if you manage to get away in between feeds, even if it's just a walk, a coffee and a chat etc. What's even nicer is going for a massage, facial or having your hair done. That couple hours away can do you the world of good :)
thanks :)
have expressed quite a few times when ive needed to for going out a couple of times etc but otherwise ive just done breast. i think i def need some me time, everything catches up in the end and we had a horrendous birth experience, i need a holiday!
Ive loved BF and glad i managed to do it in the first place.
I agree with the above, express and then perhaps OH could do last feed before bed so you can have a long soak in the bath, or even gp out and catch up with friends. Well done for getting to 11 weeks, these are the toughest weeks, and you have done brillinatly getting through them so I think you deserve a break :)

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