Breastfeeding and weaning


Well-Known Member
May 14, 2006
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To breastfeeding mums, I was just wondering if when you began weaning your baby had less breast milk than usual and how many times they feed roughly? I'm thinking ahead for when I decide to work! I just don't have much of a clue about it and could do with some help lol! It would be great if you could give me an idea of your little one's feeding routine ie solids/milk. :D Thanks.
Some people notice a difference sooner than others. I started weaning Ellie at 4 months because I had to go back to work when she was 5months. However when she went to nursery after a few weeks she picked up a cold which gave her a phlemy throat which meant she started taking a lot less solids and then needed more milk. This took ages to clear up, from what I can gather this is quite normal for being at nursery. It took us ages to get her to start eating more. Even now I am not happy with how much she is eating. we did get a couple of good days Friday and Saturday and as a result she slept through the night. However yesterday evening she wouldn't have as much and she woke last night again and wouldn't settle for a couple of hours. So I am very tired now ready to go back to work :bored:
currently weaning now and she has a full milk feed before every spoon feed. Less at night now thank goodness but as yet not too much difference and we r 3 weeks into it.

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