breastfeeding and equipment


Well-Known Member
Aug 14, 2007
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as im planning to breastfeed exclusively, and i will always be around my baby, even when i work i will have her with me. I havent bought any bottles or sterilizers or expressers or any of that. Is that ok ? or will i find i need them?
oh and one other q, i was advised to buy of those breast feeding pillows you put round your waist, a lady told me it was a godsend for her for comfort in supporting the baby while breastfeeding....what do you think? a good purchase?
I have bought a steriliser and some formula just in case I can't get on with breast feeding. I figured I didn't wnat to be desperate in the middle of the night and not have anything. (the Tommy Tippee microwave steriliser is half price in loads of places at the mo and you get free bottles with it)
I am planing to do the same as you Liz. I haven't bought any equipment because I am hoping BF will go well and I can do it exclusively. If things don't work out, these things are relatively easy and quick to get hold of.

I haven't used formula to date and DD is 6 months old, so hope I can help.

I have a breast pump and I think you will need one of these. Its a good idea to build up a stock of expressed milk in the freezer just in case your car breaks down at the shops (I know you won't believe me, but you will want a couple of hours off at some point) or you just can't face a night feed (DD isn't great with a bottle so this doesn't really work for me, but she'll take a boobie shaped bottle if I'm nowhere to be found). You may also want to use a pump to express off excess milk in the first few weeks before your supply settles down and your let down/flow is too fast for baby. It might be an idea to get your baby used to a bottle after about 5 weeks as this will really help you later on.

I also have a steriliser (although stopped using it at about 5 months) to sterilise the breast pump (I now just wash it in boiling hot soapy water).

I used a curvy breastfeeding pillow when DD was really small and less able to kind of sit at the boob (she now rests on my opposite knee if you see what I mean) - I loved it and would definitely recommend. Make sure you get one you can take the cover off and wash as it will be sicked on lots!

I hope I've not cost you both lots more money!

Good luck to both of you and make sure you come to the Feeding & Nutrition board for advice and support once you start feeding.

Valentine Xxx
Thanks, i think i might invest in the pillow as i have a mothercare voucher to spend :twisted:

as for the pump..hmmm theyre an expense for something i 'might' not need....i think i'll see how i go and send OH out to get one if i cant cope...

( saying that i bet i see you in the feeding forum in a few weeks, saying you're right i needed it! l :lol: )
I did need my breast pump and was really glad I bought it before LO arrived. I had flat nipples, and LO couldn't find anything to latch onto until I had used the breast pump on them. NB After I went to the BF clinic they showed me a way to draw my nipples out without using the breast pump, then after a while I didn't need this at all. Also after 3 days my milk came in and my nipples were so swollen that LO couldn't latch on because of that. I then had to express of some milk just to releave the pressure so that LO could latch on. I initially used a Tommee Tippee Closer to nature one which I bought from Mothercare and that came with 1 CTN bottle which I recommend for mixing bottle with BF. However when I was back at work and expressing milk at work I bought a Avent Isis one which was easier to express of the amount of milk my 6month old needed (far more than a new born).
I would say defo get a pump as im certain u will welcome someone else doing a feed with some expressed milk if you are exhausted or not feeling great at some point as we all deserve a break, its also good for if your going out somewhere where you dont feel comfortable feeding then u can give baby a bottle of expressed milk instead :)

In the first weeks your breasts can become very full and this can make it hard for baby to latch onto so the pump is useful for expressing a little milk off to make it more comfortable for baby.

I couldnt live without mine! :D
i was the same- i heard BFing is hard and i like a challenge i was so determined to do it- i made it so i could not give up- i HAD to do it or baby would starve! and tbh, they were right, it IS hard, and i think if i'd had bottles etc in i wouldve given up. after 3 or 4 weeks the hard part is over tho, thats when i bought bottles (but she wouldnt take them til she was nearly 6 months! lol)
good luck :hug:
I've bought two pumps, a sterilizer, bottles and formula just in case.

Hope to breastfeed exclusively too
trixipaws said:
i was the same- i heard BFing is hard and i like a challenge i was so determined to do it- i made it so i could not give up- i HAD to do it or baby would starve! and tbh, they were right, it IS hard, and i think if i'd had bottles etc in i wouldve given up. after 3 or 4 weeks the hard part is over tho, thats when i bought bottles (but she wouldnt take them til she was nearly 6 months! lol)
good luck :hug:

lol, this is my thinking, I am scared I will give up if it gets tricky, although I am not sure what to do now as other people have made some very good points on this thread.
I was under the impression (and I most certainly could be wrong) that it was best not to use a bottle at all for the first 6 weeks to avoid nipple confusion. Is that right? If so, how do we give them the expressed milk. Sorry for sounding daft :oops:
lol my mum told me i need to start wearing a bra... :lol: she said thats one thing i WILL i have bought some equipment :roll:

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