Breast milk


Well-Known Member
Feb 3, 2008
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This is a question for those of you who bottle fed and probably sounds really daft. As I have planned not to breastfeed I was wondering what happens with the milk once you've given birth? My baby won't be drinking it so where will it go? what will I do with it? sorry, lol, sounds so silly! I didn't want to express but it seems I will have to as I don't know what else to do with it all :rotfl:
because you wont be using it your brain will tell your body to not produce it.

:hug: :hug:
lauranjamesnbaby said:
This is a question for those of you who bottle fed and probably sounds really daft. As I have planned not to breastfeed I was wondering what happens with the milk once you've given birth? My baby won't be drinking it so where will it go? what will I do with it? sorry, lol, sounds so silly! I didn't want to express but it seems I will have to as I don't know what else to do with it all :rotfl:

If you express it your body will carry on producing it so dont do that if you dont want to keep your supply going. My friend just had a baby and didnt breastfeed and think it took hers 1-2 weeks to dry up so she just had to wear pads til then and wait for them to go back down in size as its a bit un comfertable at 1st. xx
Hun, your body will just re-absorb the milk it makes when it figures out that you are not using it. Might take a week or more and your boobs will be really heavy and sore for a few days but you just have to get through it. Whatever you do though, DONT express it if you dont plan on using it as this will tell your body to produce more. If you do get engorged or they start to hurt, try a hot bath or shower, this will make you leak a little bit and relieve a bit of the pressure, my boobs are already leaking every time I get in the bath! :oops: Not to mention when I hear a baby cry or just random moments through the day really.... :lol: :roll:
It didn't really come in at all for me - I tried again to bf when I thought it had come in but she couldnt get anything and neither could I. Had a couple of days where I was a bit uncomfy and wearing a bra to sleep in also helped. Try not to be tempted to express if you're definitely not going to BF as it will stimulate your body to produce more.
I didn't BF and my boobs went rock hard after a few days and were really painful :shock: . My doc gave me some pills that he said was to 'send my milk back' whatever that meant lol. I was okay after a week though, but have to say the pain was evil :twisted:

Defo don't express it or your body will keep making it hun.

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