Breast feeding and poo!


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2011
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I am breast feeding my LO and up until now he has pooed regularly once or twice a day. This has changed and he now hasn't pooed for three days :(
His nappies are still wet and he is farting loads (really smelly!) but no poo.
He doesn't seem in pain at all.
Any ideas what I can do to help my baby boy poo?!
Oh god when he does go that is going to be one epic nappy!
Have you tried drinking orange juice coz whatever you have he will have.
I'm not 100% on this but I think if he hasn't pood for over 3 days you should check with a health professional?
Hope you see a dirty nappy soon! X
This has happened to us too! He used to poo lots, up to 5/6 times a day and now he is going every other day or less! He hasn't pooed since Sunday night! On Sunday night, he hadn't been since the Friday morning, so I gave him gripe water. I don't know if it's coincidence, but a few hours later, he pooed! I'm going to try the gripe water in the morning if he still hasn't been. When he did go, it wasn't hard at all, so I know he's not constipated!
My health visitor tells me that it is perfectly normal for a breast fed baby to go a few days without pooing x
Yeah. You drinking Fresh Orange juice, can almost guarantee he will feel the effects and de-constipate within 48 hours.
My LO was terrible with constipation (still is) & doesn't have a bother or a worry about it, i have to give him plenty of bottles water between feeds and had to drink OJ at least 2-3 times a week, to make sure he poo'd

Like Mrs T said.. I would NOT want to be around once that nappy does fill!!!! Jeepers. x
Oh, don't know if this is coincidence or related, but around growth spurt time, he seemed to wait even longer to poo. (2-3 days) don't know if its because he sucked out all the nutrients to grow or not! lol.. x

It's actually not unusuall for a bf baby to go up to a week without pooing. Your milk is tailored to his needs so its not really surprising there's not much waste.

Watch out for signs of him being uncomfy, and if your concerned try some baby massage/drink OJ.

On my iPhone - so cant see tickers :(
Harry swaps all the time. Sometimes he'll have a week where he's poos everyday and others where he'll go a good 3 or 4 days

It's nothing to worry about and as long as he has plenty of wet nappies it's not an issue.

Also the farts are good as it shows he's not completely blocked up- Harry's farts usually smell like death after a few days of no poo!!!

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