My son Isaac is currently feeding from both breast and bottled formula, this all started whilst in hospital as he had a high jaundice count and so needed lots of fluids and it was felt my breastmilk wasn't enough. Anyway, Isaac now has breast everytime he's hungry, but then I feel the need to offer him a formula bottle just in case, I guess its slight paranoia of him not getting enough after whats happened.
So, he usually has between 2oz and 4oz after the breast, and I just wondered if anyone had had this feeding routine in the beginning, and how and when they turned it around to just breast? I did go one night with him just on the breast and it went well, but then he had a sicky next day and I worried maybe I'd upset his balance with the breast and formula?
He is very alert and active though and so I am feeling quite content he's getting what he needs, just have moments where I worry.