Breast advice needed please


Well-Known Member
Dec 2, 2007
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i went to bed late afternoon and fed Mille. Bi went my boobs were sore as my milks just come in. ive woken up and i almost feel like the start of flu, my boobs are very sore and i may have a slight temp (thermometer keeps changing it's mind when i take it!)

so far i haven't noticed any red areas, but my boobs do feel hot to the touch, but that could be cause ive just woken up?

basically - im worried about getting mastitis. ive had a look online and it says it usually affects just one breast. both of mine are equally painful.

im gonna ring the midwife up tomorrow if they are still this painful. hopefully they are just really engorged.
Maybe they are slightly engorged. Do they feel full?
Mine just ballooned when they got engorged! They should get better as your milk supply is established. But definately keep an eye on it.
mine were soooo sore when my milk came in - hot and painful to touch. it probably took about 2 days before they settled down. i just kept putting cooled gel pads on them, and massaged them whenever i could bear it.

perhaps feeling unwell could just be because you're tired? keep an eye on your symptoms, but it does just sound like normal initial engorgement to me. hope you feel better soon.

I had the flu like symptoms before any other signs of mastitis showed their head... (red patches, sore boobs etc). I'd say it sounds like you are coming down with it... if you can't relieve the flu symptoms by feeding then get yourself to the docs before it's full blown...

I've had this on a couple of occasions. It can be caused by a number of things. It could be a back up of milk which if not dealt with can lead to mastitis or it could be that you have a blocked duct which again causes a back up of milk which can cause mastitis.

Both times I just kept feeding as normal and massaging my boobs to get rid of any blocked ducts as I wasnt entirely sure whether I did have a blockage. I also expresssed a little if my boobs felt engorged and I just did this by hand just to take away the uncomfortable feeling. The pain I had went within 2 days and without the need of antibiotics from the Dr.

If you need further info take a look here

Big hugs though hun I know the pain is excrutiating and on top of prpbably sore nipples and that pain you get anyhow when you first begin breastfeeding :hug:
i has very sore nips/boobs when i started feeding and started to gt a flu thro unfortantly i gave it to my lil 1 toit soon disappears tho but i wud def just gt it looked at just remember if ur nt sure n happy about results dnt give up becus i gt his eye looked at n they sed it was fine went bk a few weeks l8er to sum1 esle she swabed it n it had an infection so they rntalways rite goodluck

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