bottle feeding in hospital


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2007
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sorry probs been asked a thousand times before but....

for those who bottlefed, if your hospital dosent supply bottles, then did you take your own??? i have read about ready-made bottles that ya throw away after use, but i cant find them on the internet anywhere. . .

did u use these, or did you take bottles and a tin of formula?
do the hospital sterelize the bottles for you, or do you need to take loads?
if the hospital provides forumla... do they have a variety (we are planning to use Cow & Gate)

this might be a silly question, but as its my 1st baby.... if im not breast feeding... do i still need to buy some nipples pads? will i leak milk even if i am not breast-feeding to the point where i might need these???

thank you for ready..... luv a confuzzled mummy2B :)
Most hospitals supply ready made bottles now so ask your midwife if you're not sure. Our hospital had every type of formula under the sun - SMA, Cow&Gate, Aptamil, Farleys.

Leaking boobs are a very individual thing. I never leaked at all but some people leak bucketloads even if they are not breastfeeding. Best to have some breast pads on standby just in case.
I went shopping with my friend who is very baby experienced and got some sma gold bottles that have the bits all sterilised. I got them in case I need them. It was £15 for 12 in a pack from Tesco. I don't know how good they are or anyhting as this is also my first but she said that I might be grateful for them in the first couple of days if I have trouble breast feeding and saves mucking about measuring and sterilising.
The wee bottles all made up are the ones they had in my hospital. Could use as many as we wanted in hospital and was handed a handful to take home - can't believe how much they cost though!
When I decided to bottle feed my mum rushed to hospital with a load of sterilised bottles (I hadn't planned on it) and was sent away with a flea in her ear!

They didn't let you take it in, you had to use the little bottles of C+G or SMA (which gave my boy constipation :( )
From what i can remember of my sister, her little boy is on Cow & Gate and they supplied at the hospital. They are in little glass jars. I never knew til i went to visit her 2 weeks after Angel was born. I was BF so i never knew.

As for my boobs, they leaked a few day before she was born. Mostly in the shower as the warm water always encouraged them.
I know that our hospital would have provided them if I had needed them as he was given formula by cup one evening and they used their own and not the emergency carton I took with me.
Also boobs wise, when your milk comes in, and then goes out again you will probably have quite a large leakage! I breastfed and gradually reduced feeds until 7 months when we stopped, but I would have thought not feeding at all, the engorgement and milk has gotta go somewhere so I assume a big puddle on the bed sheets one morning? I'd get in some disposable pads just in case... x
My hospital is on a breastfeeding iniative so don't provide formula- you have to take your own in with you.

Make sure you ask about it on your walkabout :)
my hospital provided the bottles of ready made milk, they did all kinds and even different teets to choose from
Lancaster provided them (big hospital) but Kendal didn't (small middy unit)...
leckershell said:
I know that our hospital would have provided them if I had needed them as he was given formula by cup one evening and they used their own and not the emergency carton I took with me.
Also boobs wise, when your milk comes in, and then goes out again you will probably have quite a large leakage! I breastfed and gradually reduced feeds until 7 months when we stopped, but I would have thought not feeding at all, the engorgement and milk has gotta go somewhere so I assume a big puddle on the bed sheets one morning? I'd get in some disposable pads just in case... x

OMG those engorged boobs when bottle feeding - they're evil :twisted: . I cried all night about 3 days after I'd had Jordan through the pain of them, luckinly my doc came the day after and gave me some tablets to 'send my milk back' as he put it.
Here you go... Clicky. That is a C&G starter pack to do you for the first 48 hours. It's basically the exact same bottles they use in hospitals - pre sterilised etc. I think SMA also do them but can't find a link :D
my hospital supplied the ready made bottles too. every time i walked along to the cupboard where they were kept i would get two and hide one in my dressing gown pocket to put in my bag in my room! :oops: saved having to be mega organised with bottles and feeds for the first couple of days being home!!
haha, Mummy-D..... i like your thinking! thank you for all the replies girls, they have been very helpful. i will ask my midwife next tine i see her...
thank you for being as helpful as always! :hug:

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