Bottle feeding fun


Well-Known Member
Jul 10, 2007
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Hey everyone! Thought i would do a quick questionnaire thingie, cause I'm nosey and want to see what everyone's up to lol!!

Just copy and paste and fill out appropriately :)

Please join in :)

What milk do you use?

Why did you choose this particular brand?

Tried any others?

Method of sterilisation:

Brand of bottles

Why you prefer this brand?

Favourite thing about bottle feeding :)

Funniest thing your LO does whilst feeding

Fav position for feeding

Quickest feed

Longest feed
I'll start :)

What milk do you use?
Aptamil 1st milk

Why did you choose this particular brand?
Hubby had bought it so no choice really also had good reviews

Tried any others?
Aptamil hungry baby milk but went back to first on advice from middy...

Method of sterilisation:
Avent Microwave steriliser, takes 4mins, godesend!!

Brand of bottles.
Was using Avent bottles to start now using Tommee Tipee ones

Why you prefer this brand?
TT ones seemed to stop him being as windy and don't leak like the avent ones do... Like the way they feel aswell

Favourite thing about bottle feeding.
Knowing how much Hay has had and being able to monitor his progress, watching Daddy feed him :)

Funniest thing your LO does whilst feeding
Purse his lips when hes had enough, stop feeding but still has his mouth open like a little dolly lol!

Fav position for feeding
Sitting in bed, huddled in my arms

Quickest feed.

Longest feed
I've not even been bottlefeeding 24 hours so I feel a bit of a pillock as I have no idea! I'm a learner :oops:

What milk do you use?
Cow&Gate (open to recommendations though!!)

Why did you choose this particular brand?
It was the only one in stock at our local shop!

Tried any others?
Not yet!

Method of sterilisation:
Tommee Tippee electric steriliser!

Brand of bottles.
Avent & Tommee Tippee

Why you prefer this brand?
N/A (haven't looked into any others just yet)

Favourite thing about bottle feeding.
OMG, having loads more time inbetween feeds! It's amazing!! Seeing how much she is taking. Being able to get on with stuff while someone else feeds her!

Funniest thing your LO does whilst feeding
She roots for my boob (they still have milk in) while I'm trying to put the teat in her mouth! She needs a few days to get used to it I think!

Fav position for feeding
Snuggling on the sofa!

Quickest feed.
5 mins

Longest feed
20 mins
What milk do you use?

SMA Gold

Why did you choose this particular brand?

Was recommended to me and it's readily available

Tried any others?

Yes, SMA staydown (wouldn't come out of the bottle even with a fast flow teat) and C&G comfort 1 (gave my DD horrendous diarrhoea for the week we used it)

Method of sterilisation:
Microwave steam

Brand of bottles
Used Dr Browns for a while but mostly TT closer to nature

Why you prefer this brand?
Dr Brown - they are amazing for colicky babies
TT - my DD gets bored when bottles aren't very fast flowing and these are perfect for her

Favourite thing about bottle feeding
OH being able to feed her too

Funniest thing your LO does whilst feeding
Holds the bottle herself and she blows raspberries when she doesn't want any more.

Fav position for feeding
Whatever way she'll take it! Ususally just with her on my lap.

Quickest feed
About 5 minutes!

Longest feed
Probably about 45 minutes
What milk do you use?

Neutramigen 1 at the moment, but have tried, C&G, SMA, Neocate.

Why did you choose this particular brand?

I didnt, DS has an intolerance/allergy to something, we are assuming CMP

Tried any others?

C&G Comfort, SMA, Neocate

Method of sterilisation:


Brand of bottles?

Tommie Tippie

Why you prefer this brand?

Because DS does

Favourite thing about bottle feeding

Oooh, thats a good one, urmm... being able to go away for the night and know DS can be fed whenever he needs?

Funniest thing your LO does whilst feeding

He watches TV, Laughs, Chews the bottle

Fav position for feeding

Can only have him sitting upright

Quickest feed

8oz in about 4mins

Longest feed

before he was on all this medication for his reflux, a feed could take two hours
What milk do you use? Cow and Gate

Why did you choose this particular brand? Recommended by HV

Tried any others? SMA Gold but this gave Chloe a bad tummy

Method of sterilisation: Avent steam

Brand of bottles Avent

Why you prefer this brand? Chloe prefers these, tried TT but she couldn't use the teats

Favourite thing about bottle feeding When Chloe has had enough milk and she is tired she looks at me with huge heavy eyes

Funniest thing your LO does whilst feeding Sometimes when she has finished she sticks her tounge out to push the teat out of her mouth

Fav position for feeding While having a cuddle in bed

Quickest feed Five minutes

Longest feed Half an hour
What milk do you use?
Hipp Organic

Why did you choose this particular brand?
started on Cow and Gate, doctor recommended Hipp, it really settled Lewis down well.

Tried any others?
Aptamil and Cow and Gate

Method of sterilisation:
Avent Microwave steriliser

Brand of bottles.

Why you prefer this brand?
Um.... they looked posh!

Favourite thing about bottle feeding.
I like knowing the amount that has been taken.

Funniest thing your LO does whilst feeding
As soon as he's sat in the right position he's moving his lips ready to get the bottle!

Fav position for feeding
He's sat on my lap!

Quickest feed.
5 mins one night - he must have been hungry!

Longest feed
can be up to the hour sometimes when he's playing with his bottle! (of course the formula is discarded after 1 hour!)
What milk do you use?
SMA White- used SMA Gold until 14 weeks

Why did you choose this particular brand?
Recommended by HV

Tried any others?
SMA Gold

Method of sterilisation:
Electric Steam

Brand of bottles
TT Closer to Nature with size 2 teats

Why you prefer this brand?
Haven't used any others but like the powder dispensers that fit in the top of the bottle!

Favourite thing about bottle feeding
watching other people feed her

Funniest thing your LO does whilst feeding
Fights me to hold the bottle than looks at me all proud of herself :D

Fav position for feeding
Usually on my lap

Quickest feed
About 10 minutes

Longest feed
About 30 minutes
Great Post Steely

What milk do you use?
C&G 1

Why did you choose this particular brand?
We have been on Aptimal since birth but Harry was very sicky on it so tried SMA the other day and gave him tummy ache and solid poops so giving this one a try

Tried any others?
Aptimil 1 and 2, SMA White

Method of sterilisation:
Avent Electric Steam

Brand of bottles
Avent with Number 3 teats

Why you prefer this brand?
Harry couldnt use the tommie tippie he got confused

Favourite thing about bottle feeding
Being able to have a break and let someonbe else feed him

Funniest thing your LO does whilst feeding
Sits with mouth open and plays with the teat by using his tongue

Fav position for feeding
Chilling on the couch

Quickest feed
10 Minutes

Longest feed
1 Hour
What milk do you use?sma wysoy

Why did you choose this particular brand? its the only one he can have due to his allergy to eerything almost

Tried any others? every brand and most types

Method of sterilisation: cold water its the only way i trust

Brand of bottles mam

Why you prefer this brand? its the only brand that makes squeesy cleft bottles

Favourite thing about bottle feeding nothing i dont enjoy it, its hard work

Funniest thing your LO does whilst feeding puts his thumb inbetween his fingers like me

Fav position for feeding in my arms slightly away from my body

Quickest feed 10 minutes

Longest feed not allowed to feed for over 40 minutes so 40 minutes

What milk do you use?

Aptamil 1st

Why did you choose this particular brand?

good recomendations

Tried any others?

Heinz nurture

Method of sterilisation:

Cold water steriliser

Brand of bottles


Why you prefer this brand?

Always used them

Favourite thing about bottle feeding :)

the night feeds! when he takes the bottle easy with no messing!

Funniest thing your LO does whilst feeding

legs in the air

Fav position for feeding

on my lap

Quickest feed

10 mins

Longest feed

over an hour feeding in parts!
What milk do you use? SMA

Why did you choose this particular brand?Mum recommended it

Tried any others?No

Method of sterilisation:Steam

Brand of bottlesTommee Tippee Closer to Nature

Why you prefer this brand?Jessie prefers them, she feeds much nicer with these

Favourite thing about bottle feeding Watching her face as she feeds

Funniest thing your LO does whilst feedingLooks around the room so you have to chase her mouth or tries to suck her thumb at the same time

Fav position for feeding Holding her in one arm, bottle in the other

Quickest feed 10 minutes

Longest feed 40 minutes
What milk do you use?
Cow and Gate Infasoy

Why did you choose this particular brand?
It mixes better than the WYSOY and we needed a soya milk as Fi is lactose intolerant

Tried any others?
YUP Cow and Gate stage 1, cow and gate comfort and SMA WYSOY

Method of sterilisation:
tommee tippee microwave steam steriliser

Brand of bottles
tommee tippee closer to nature size 2 teats

Why you prefer this brand?
i loveeee the dispensers! Was the main one we bought - we did try NUK and Dr.Browns but they were too much faff!

Favourite thing about bottle feeding :)
watching OH feed her

Funniest thing your LO does whilst feeding
blows raspberries - usually leads to milk spraying everywhere, also love it when she is sleepy and full and she opens her mouth and her eyes go all drunk and she can't quite suck

Fav position for feeding
cuddled close and snuggly

Quickest feed
10 secs, lol. she is a fussy feeder!

Longest feed
20 min?
What milk do you use?
Aptimal - 1st one

Why did you choose this particular brand?
Good reviews and I was breastfeeding and had heard it was the closest to breastmilk

Tried any others?
Nope but like the sound of HIPP organic

Method of sterilisation:
TT Microwave Steriliser

Brand of bottles
Was using TT CTN but switched to Mam

Why you prefer this brand?
Funky bottles! Used Mam nipple shields too so bottle teats matched the shields

Favourite thing about bottle feeding :)
Not sure, I miss breastfeeding. I suppose the fact it doesn't take 3 hours to feed him :lol:

Funniest thing your LO does whilst feeding
Em not much :lol: more recently he looks about himself and tries to grap things

Fav position for feeding
Him lying on a pillow or cushion, head propped up a bit

Quickest feed
10 mins

Longest feed
half an hour, he's farting about a lot just now. The environment is so exciting
What milk do you use? Heinz Nurture Follow On Milk

Why did you choose this particular brand? Sounded Good

Tried any others? This is the only follow on milk i have tried

Method of sterilisation: I barely sterilize anymore but i was using a microwave sterilizer

Brand of bottles: Tommee Tippee

Why you prefer this brand? They were on offer when i was pregnant lol

Favourite thing about bottle feeding : The funny clicking sound Ryan makes when he's drinking :D

Funniest thing your LO does whilst feeding: As soon as he see's his milk his arms and legs go crazy!! Then he starts drinking like there's no tomorrow!

Fav position for feeding: He doesn't like to be cuddled to much so i lay him on my lap

Quickest feed: 5 mins

Longest feed: 20 mins
I have to express but I wanted to join in too! :) (me=gatecrasher)

What milk do you use? Breast

Why did you choose this particular brand? Cheap

Tried any others? Not yet

Method of sterilisation: microwave sterilizer

Brand of bottles: Tommee Tippee Anti-colic

Why you prefer this brand? Needed Anti-colic bottles and they looked like the only ones that would fit in the sterilizer!

Favourite thing about bottle feeding : Knowing how much she gets!

Funniest thing your LO does whilst feeding: She shakes her head and makes it near impossible sometimes to get the teat in her mouth! Its like putting two negative magnets together she goes one way and I go the other its so funny! She looks really manic!

Fav position for feeding: Led in bed :sleep:

Quickest feed/Longest feed: Not sure about these two sorry!
Just copy and paste and fill out appropriately

Please join in

What milk do you use? SMA GOLD

Why did you choose this particular brand? He was given it in hosp, and he loves it!

Tried any others? Nope

Method of sterilisation: Electric Steam

Brand of bottles Avent

Why you prefer this brand? Were on promotion when we bought them, and they are anti-colic :cheer:

Favourite thing about bottle feeding Being able to have OH feed him, and monitoring what he is taking is V reassuring for me

Funniest thing your LO does whilst feeding Stops to smile

Fav position for feeding Laying on my knee, across my legs

Quickest feed 5mins, earlier!

Longest feed about 40mins- 1 hour lol
What milk do you use?
C&G 1

Why did you choose this particular brand?
I was given it by the hosp when i was too tired to breast feed Dylan

Tried any others?
Aptimil. Didnt agree with him so went back to C&G1

Method of sterilisation:
Tommee Tippee Electronic steriliser

Brand of bottles
Dr Brown

Why you prefer this brand?
teets kept collapsing on tommee tippee ones while dylan was drinkin

Favourite thing about bottle feeding
monitoring how muh he is taking

Funniest thing your LO does whilst feeding
plays with my finger

Fav position for feeding
on couch
nickilubs said:
I have to express but I wanted to join in too! :) (me=gatecrasher)

What milk do you use? Breast

Why did you choose this particular brand? Cheap

Tried any others? Not yet

Method of sterilisation: microwave sterilizer

Brand of bottles: Tommee Tippee Anti-colic

Why you prefer this brand? Needed Anti-colic bottles and they looked like the only ones that would fit in the sterilizer!

Favourite thing about bottle feeding : Knowing how much she gets!

Funniest thing your LO does whilst feeding: She shakes her head and makes it near impossible sometimes to get the teat in her mouth! Its like putting two negative magnets together she goes one way and I go the other its so funny! She looks really manic!

Fav position for feeding: Led in bed :sleep:

Quickest feed/Longest feed: Not sure about these two sorry!

:cheer: HEY YOU!! :hug:

Seems we have alot of cow and gate users,

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