

Well-Known Member
Jul 10, 2007
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Since I found out I was pregnant I've been addicted to baby books...

I've found some good and some bad. The Dr Miriam Stoppard one is quite informative and someone gave me the Gina Ford one about routines which is pretty scary!! But loads of people recommend her routines for feeding etc...

Has anybody read any good books recently that they'd recommend and has anyone done the Gina Ford routines?
i think its better to go with what u think is best when it comes to routiens..ive never read a book n we are doing great, some things work for some mums and some kids.. but i think its you intuition to know whats best for your child
I have a friend that loves Gina Ford but she also has OCD over routines and order etc- she has offered to lend it to me but don't know if I fancy it.

I suppose it would be ok to read and lift some general ideas from so I might borrow it.

If anyone knows of any basic idiots guides :oops: to baby care of the new born then let me know!
the K.I.S.S guides are really good I found I have the pregnancy one at its good.

OMG that's a point..I have a book on pregnancy and birth but nothing on afterwards! I used to work with children from 3+ months, but have no idea about newborns..eek :lol:
dont stress ladies.. it is something none of us have done before our 1st... it comes natural.. going by other peoples ideas sometimes doesnt work.. some of them are from different contries, different social circles,cultures, finances.. so what goes for one wont go for others.. take it easy.. cave women didnt have books and they managed..
my book selection is over 50!! my sister is a nanny, teaches baby massage and yoga so she s given me her collection.

As i only have 20weeks left i have moved on to reading more about the baby than the preg.

Gina ford's are amazing and will def try to follow a routine llike her's but i love-

'The vital touch' by Sharon heller

and 'understanding your baby' by Sophie Boswell.

You can dip in and out of them and they are so interesting!! :)
Hi all. Could you please tell me the title of the Gina Ford routines book, as I've searched on Amazon and they have a few (from breastfeeding to potty training) so was wondering which one you mean. Thanks! :hug:
fothers said:
I have a friend that loves Gina Ford but she also has OCD over routines and order etc- she has offered to lend it to me but don't know if I fancy it.

I suppose it would be ok to read and lift some general ideas from so I might borrow it.

If anyone knows of any basic idiots guides :oops: to baby care of the new born then let me know!

Gina ford is a bit ocd but its gives a good idea of a routine!! (though no1 could completely follow that!!) Dr mirian is great as well!!

'babies for beginners' is great and very simply

and 'understanding your baby' is a small book which is very useful!! :D
I got what to expect when you're expecting, its not a bad book so far...

i had that book first time round (what to expect when your expecting) i posted it on to another member after damon because i didnt plan to bee needing it so soon! it is a good book though - i would reccomend it.
The baby whisperer is suposed to be a really gr8 book for when baby is here.

I bought it off ebay quite cheap and although i havent read it fully i have read some of it and it seems very interestinf and informative. i will defo read it before this one comes along and i really wish i'd had it ready for my 1st child in certain aspects.

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