

Well-Known Member
Oct 26, 2007
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I'm around 6 weeks pregnant and SOOOO bloated, i already look pregnant even though i no i'm not showing, and i feel awful, has anyone got any tips on how to beat bloating?
Clare x
Drinking lots of water often helps a lot with bloating. :)
I felt like this and my mum was convinced that it was the bump already showing. I don't have any remedies but what i can suggest is wearing loose clothes - i was in maternity wear at 6 weeks and it was really apprichiated. Made things for me more comfortable. I have found that the bloating has now stopped so feeling and looking a lot better!
i am drinking loads, im constantly thirsty as well, i dont really want everyone to know im pregnant yet so i wanna hide it as much as possible until i've had a scan and know everythings ok, plus things with the father arnt exactly great and so i dont want people in work mentioning it to him when he's having such a hard time dealing with it. i guess i'm just going to live in loose clothing for the moment.
Clare xxx
Havent really suffered from this myself so cant really recommend anything thats worked for me but have you tried those Activia yoghurts? They are supposed to help reduce bloating.
Im really bloated too, dont know any tips either lol
i suffered with this so badly for the first trimester- it was worse than all the sickness and the moods-i was in so much pain! didnt really find a cure but took loads of windeze tablets which are safe during pregnancy and i never drunk anything fizzy i also tried not to eat any junk food. Dont worry it will pass!
Mine comes and goes, seems to have subsided now, I was 2 pounds lighter on the scales this morning, no idea why. It does suck doesn't it. Bring on our proper bumps that we are proud to show off I say!

i had bloating for my first few wks but i'm 5wks now and it's settled.

best thing to do s eat slowly (so u don't swallow loadsa air) and drink lotsa water.

also certain foods bloat u, like cabbage sprouts n bread!

i read somewhere that the gas is also due to pressure on bowels from the uterus getting bigger.

hope it eases for ya i know how horrible it feels to look way more preg than u actually are!!


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