blimey lol


Well-Known Member
Feb 17, 2005
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hello girlies went to mw yesterday for my 38 week check to be told that little baby ethan is now the size os a 42 week baby so that mean 4 weeks bigger than he should be :shock: but midwife still says ill be fine to deliver normally even though my bp was 140/98 she didnt refer me to hosp a mw is comming to my house on friday morning to check it again im a little worried that i wont cope with such a huge baby what do you think will happen if my bp is still high 2moro i dont know what to expect now was hoping he would of arrived by now :?
wow thats big!!!

being as your messureing that big and your only 37 weeks, im suprised they didnt offer an induction!

but if your midwife belives you can deliver then she prob knows what shes on about.

still i can imagin thats a pretty scarey thought!
Hiya hun

Firstly, Im very surprised that they havnt taken you in with such a high BP. Normally the 95 is the knock off point. Perhaps if it continues to stay high they will do like you say. To reduce your blood pressure, drink stacks of water (and i mean stacks) Lie on your left hand side all the time and rest, rest and more rest. Mine went down from 148/94 down to 125/70 in days cos I did this.

Something that I have heard on more than one occasion that might make you feel a little bit better (my baby is big too) is that Labour can actually be easier because the baby is bigger and therefore finds it easier to push itself out. (dont know how true this is...??)

Keep us posted !!

Ragna xxx
When my midwife last measured me she said i was measuring at 36 cm which would be normal if i was 36 weeks but was only 32 weeks! went for a scan and baby was only 4lbs!!! so maybe you will be ok :? :lol:

Good luck !

Natalie x
hahah im hoping that what will happen when i had my first scan he was a week small by the dates then at my second scan he was 2 weeks big mw says that if there was a doubt u go by the first scan so that would put my due date bk to 29 oct not 22 oct i think im gonna ask to be taken in 2moro ive had enough now im tired and frustated i want it over so i can meet my little man :D
Hi i thought i would share some info i was given yesterday when i went for my 20wk scan.

I was asking whether she could tell whether the baby was going to be big or not. she said that bigger babies are lovely and i said "yeah once they are out!!"
then she put my mind at rest by saying that the hardest part is getting the head out and that labour pains are the same whatever the size of the baby. She said that it isn't true that bigger babies are more painful because the head is literally only a millimetre or so different in size.

i'm expecting a big baby!! x

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