
Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2006
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It was only really a smear and nothing since for an hour and a half but I can't help but worry a bit. She has moved so I am sure all is ok as this happened at 18 weeks too. I don't think I'll be able to relax until she is here. I am supposed to preparing the house for my Mum coming to stay tomorrow but I just can't get motivated as I am worried and alert for any slight movement or another show of blood :(
i think you should contact your midwife hun

i hope all is ok xxx
Poor you, I can imagine that must be a worry.

Great that you hve felt her move though hun.

You just need to take it easy and relax.

Have you contacted your MW?

Take care and thinking of you :hug:
Hey, you should ring your mw and have a chat..if nothing else just to put your mind at rest..
Its like mine said to me..they would rather you ring them than sit at home worrying!
:hug: :hug: :hug:
contact your midwife and get checked out.
Also skatty i don't mean to sound like your mother but this might be a warning sign for you to slow down a little.
Fook the housework - its your mum visitiing and she would prefer to see a healthy daughter than a clean house. :hug: slow down and rest a little.
Thanks girls, the midwife told me last time that its very normal to have such small amounts of blood and as long as its not accompanied by any pain to take it easy. Its a bit of a pain trying to get through to her and harder becuase believe it or not the receptionists don't understand English. My OH is at work and has told me to call if I need to and his Mum is down the road. I'm probably being OTT because it was really only a tiny smear, less than last time. At least I feel her moving now, its been neraly 2 hours and nothing more, if I do see anything else I'll be staright on the phone :)
Put your feet up and rest for a bit then hun.
Like budge said..fook the housework :D
I didn't sleep too well last night so maybe a nap is in order :)
Hows things now Skatty?

Budge is right, screw the housework, who cares if your house is a tip which im sure its not! You and baby are what is important!
Hi, I am pleased to say there has been nothing else. I have been lying on the settee watching Love Island which I taped last night and eating chocolate which seemed to make madam as hyappy as me by judging by her kicks :lol:
You are so lucky not liking chocolate, I can't get enough of it and I saw myself naked in the mirror last night and it weren't pretty :shock:
Thea likes chocolate too Skatty so for the moment she is my excuse to eat milka whenever i please lol. My arse however is not thanking me for it!!!
Melanie, I just love the name Thea :D

Have you checked out the hugarian merchandise yet? What are the ice lollys like? Its the first thing I look into when visiting a new country :lol:
some pictures of your house andsurrounding area would be splendid melanie! :D
:) thanks Skatty I cant take the credit though Richard picked her name!

The icelollies and icecreams here are fab, i have stocked up my freezer lol. My fav brand of chocolate is Milka chocolate is my fave but you can only get one type at home, here there are like hundreds to choose from!!!!! I've been happy as larry sampling them so far. My favourite one so far is happy cow milka lol.

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