Bleeding and on the pill


Well-Known Member
Jan 15, 2007
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I started back on the pill when Jake was 6 weeks old. I have just come to the end of my first pack and today it the first day of my 7 day break. But on day 20 I noticed my discharge was tinged with blood. It was fine the next morning so I thought nothing of it but last night (day 21) I noticed a light layer of blood when I wiped. Its fine again this morning. I cant think what it would be because Im not expecting my period until friday or saturday and it was nothing like period blood anyway.

I cant be pregnant as we have been very careful, using the pill and condoms (as I fell pg with Jake while on the pill :roll: ). I had my smear this time last week and the nurse said I might spot a little, but this has occured almost a week later. Could this be the cause?
I can't help but wanted to pass on a :hug: and say speak to your HV, it sounds like probably just your body getting back into the pill cycle and after having Jake etc but best to talk it out with someone if you're concerned, just to put your mind at ease :hug:
Thank you hun. its turned into a proper bleed now so im going to take jake to the baby clinic and have a word :hug: :hug:
Well I hope they put your mind at ease, and it's simply a period, and your cycles start getting back into routine for you :hug:

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