Bl**dy WORK of DOOM!


Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2007
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Goodness me! :shock:

You'd think being on MATERNITY LEAVE for the past FOUR weeks I'd be able to RELAX and forget about SCHOOLOFDEATH, right? :roll:

Jim took a phone call on Friday from school asking if I could produce a list of information about each child in each of my classes for the cover teacher - preferably within 24 hours for a Parents' Meeting (!) - they've known about this parents' meeting for 6 months!!!

So I rang back for clarification and left a message - got no response until Monday when I got an email asking for it again! I left my markbooks, target levels, working levels, AND a set of reports written just 4 weeks before I left so what more do they bloody want about these kids?!

It's just made me really stressed out all over again and I'm crying - I know it's completely irrational but I just feel so utterly w*nk. My husband is really p*ssed off on my behalf and wants to ring and shout at them.

Anyway I've written a polite but firm email telling them (basically) to shove it up their ar5e :twisted:
You go girl! The cheeky f**kers!!
Good for you that's just taking the piss asking you to do that :x
Aww Bex you make me laugh :rotfl:

Im suprised you have remained so polite i wouldnt.

Lets hope they dont bother you again. :D
Good on you for telling them no :cheer:

Hopefully they'll leave you alone now :hug:
I wouldn't even bother answering the phone. They've no right to bother you during your mat leave. It's their own fault for being unorganised :x

Good on you for sending the email :clap: :clap:
God, your school really really does sounds awful!! Good on you for telling them to shove it, the cheeky buggers! :clap:
OMG i cant belive that, i never got any contact from my school after i went on mat leave, next time i saw them was when i took her in for a visit
ooooo Miss you said a sweary word :lol:

Put yourself and your baby first :)
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Silly people. They should be leaving you alone to relax and enjoy yourself. Don't let them upset you, they're not worth it xxxxx
good for u hun

mine were not v supportive until i went off sick and now they are good and dare not come near me as they know we have rights...kick their ass!
well my experience with schools is that there is no communication or organization at times. this is just a perfect example. How disorganized can they get then they expect u to do there jobs while u are on mat leave cos noone has bothered to sort this out prior.
:hug: to u and well done for stickin to ur guns.

marie x

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