BJ is bad for you

I'm sorry but LOL at that Fingers crossed, whatever next :lol:
Redshoes said:
I'm sorry but LOL at that Fingers crossed, whatever next :lol:

I know it seems laughable, but the HPV infection can be very dangerous to some women who dont have immunity to it- it resulted in a health scare for me te other year to do with cervical cancerous cells- not nice :(

So if the HPV infection affects you orally, too then that is quite worrying. Although the person who you are giving **** to, would have to have the infection in order to pass it on to you.
I know it sounds like I'm being a killjoy, I'm not :D it was just very scarey for me!!!!
Charlotte & Emily said:
:shock: well i wont be doing that anytime soon

I do think its very unlikely though- not everyone who 'makes love' (!) gets cervical cancer, its all about how youre body reacts to certain things.

They'd have us all celibate if they had their way!!!!
I heard that on the radio yesterday but didn't hear the full story I thought it was a joke! :shock:

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