Bit personal but........


Well-Known Member
Feb 3, 2008
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I'm having a few issues when it comes to sex. I feel really sensitive 'down there', I don't want to be touched, it feels too weird, I don't know why but it does. Me and OH had a rare moment tonight to spend a bit of time together but it just didn't happen, I really don't know whats wrong with me. I can't even explain really, it just doesn't feel right. OH was so patient with me, didn't put any pressure on me or anything and said it doesn't even matter if we don't do anything, so now I feel bad cos he was being so nice! Its like being a virgin again! This doesn't really make any sense but has anyone else been through the same sort of thing? If I'd had a natural birth I could understand why I'm like this but I had an Emergency C Section so Amber didn't even come out that way! Hope someone can help!
hmm not too sure about after having LO but all through my pregnancy i couldnt do it as it hurt but now im ok :think: hope you get it sorted soon hun :hug:
Did you dilate at all - dilation of the cervix would probably make sex afterwards feel "a bit odd".

My cervix still feels really sensitive.

Kim x x x x
Thanks for replying girls :hug:

Meggiewoo said:
Did you dilate at all - dilation of the cervix would probably make sex afterwards feel "a bit odd".

My cervix still feels really sensitive.

Kim x x x x

yeah my cervix did dilate, I hope thats all it is and I can get back to normal soon!
Sorry if TMI - but even now when we BD and OH goes too far inside me it makes my eyes water :shock: .

Hopefully you will be back to normal in no time x

Kim x x x x

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