bit of a weird question


Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2008
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are there any things that can be done to help prevent pooing durin labour?
My sis said she had a colonic before her birth.....but that sounds just as bad a crappin myself durin labour, lol.
I read that if you prevent yourself from laying down as much as possible then gravity doesn't force the baby onto that area. They suggest walking round and being on hands and knees avoids it.
Honestly though, even if you won't poo yourself, you're adamant you are doing! Lol.
Not emptying your bowel can cause contractions to slow and hinder the birth, so think of it as a positive if it happens, its natures way of making enough room. Try eating well and drinking plenty of water whilst in labour, and nature should naturally help you go before the birth :hug: :hug: :hug:
Also you really wont even notice if you do! And if you do notice, I seriously dont think you will care! I have had 3 babies and I didnt notice if I did poop but I was in too much pain and too on diamorphine to care lol!
Im sure when your in labour and pushing, the last thing on your mind will be pooing yourself... there will be so much blood, guts, water, goop and god knows what else that abit of poo will not even be noticed.

The other thing, during the 1st stage of labour, alot of people have diorea, or atleast a motion, this is your bodies way of clearing out that area so you dont poo during labour, and making more room for your baby to pass thru and get out, without pushing along the poo and bringing it out with him/her.


The reason I knew I was in labour, was doing a number 2 when I felt that I didnt really need to... told me that the braxton hicks, wernt actually braxton hicks... :wall:
I had a dodgy curry before i went into labour. I'd had a chinese from the same place about 4 times during my pregnancy, each one not quite agreeing with me and gave me the runs (Sorry!)
But half an hour after the second trip to the loo i had my 1st contraction. So i don't know why i was worried as my system should've been clear anyway. Just feels like you will whether you need to or not.
FWIW when pushing to get baby out, my MW told me I needed to do so like I was having a big poo. Its basically that kind of thing. Thing was I didn't actually poo at all when pushing. But being aware of what I was trying to do bearing down really helped me push LO out. If I'd pooed when pushing then so be it, I really didn't care if it happened.

Your body may well have a clear out in the early stages anyways, but if not don't fret about it. TBH even if you do poo, you won't care and neither will the MW. She has seen it all before. So try not to worry overly about it.
I was aware of pooing when I had logan in a birthing pool, but couldnt care less, even when i heard the midwife asking where the sieve was! :lol: it will be the last thing on your mind!
I remember feeling like I really needed to poo and deciding I couldn't cope with the discomfort of contractions, pushing and feeling the need to poo so I was trying really hard to poo so I could then focus on giving birth. I was on all 4s in a room with OH, my mum and a midwife, wearing a hospital gown so my ass was naked. I didn't care, I just wanted to poo. The poo was refusing to come out so on reflection it might have been pressure from baby's head :oops:
i didn't want to poo when i was pushing, but when the time came i really didn't give a monkeys - all dignity goes out of the window and i promise you that if it happens, it really won't matter to you or anyone else :hug: :hug:
I had a bit of a clear out a few hours before Evie was born (I was in labour but couldn't feel my contractions) so I don't think there was anything left.

TBH you really wont care though!
I was worried about this too - particularly since I didn't have a 'clearout' before or when labour started.

By the end of it, however, when I was pushing (or trying to, since I had that many top ups of epidural that I couldn't even remember where my lady parts were) that I was trying to actively poo because it was the only way I could imagine HOW to push! :rotfl:
I'm pretty sure I didnt poo in either of my labours, but with Paige I remember peeing whith my first push but i couldn't stop it xD I just remember saying afterwards that i had pissed myself LOL
I was pushing for 4 hours and the whole time i was pooing :oops: my sister said it was a shame it wasn't 1 big poo but little rabbit poos the whole time! :lol: I know it doesn't seem like it now but you really will not care when your in labour you just want to get your baby out. :) xx
with my first i didn't, but with my 2nd i was being induced and i knew i needed to go. i just couldnt go though!
so when the time came for me to push that came out first! i was realy embarrased, mainly cause of the smell.

next time, if i have chance and i know i need to go then ill clean myself out before hand!!!
i was really, really worried about pooing, and everyone used to say "u wont care when ur in labour" and i always thought to myself "shut up, u dont kno how neurotic i am, i WILL!" :lol:
but yes i did poo and no i didnt care when it came to it! i was in a birthpool at home and apparently i wasnt progressing well coz i was too shy or whatever to push under the water. the MWs kept asking me are u nervous about doing a poo! then they decided to get me out of the pool and took me to the bathroom and one of them stood by me while i sat on the loo for a poo! :lol: :oops: :lol:

i remember thinking oh i dont care (about the dignity/embarrassment thing) anymore but i was just really worried about pushing i didnt want my baby to fall down the loo! but it was fine, having that poo helped coz i could get on with having the baby then, and coz i'd emptied it all there was none to come out on the bed. and it didnt smell either thank goodness! i'd purposely eaten only plain oatibix and apples all week i didnt want anything strong smelling to come out! lol im so silly i think about all these things hehe

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